Chapter 2

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Hope's POV: Walking downstairs, I paused, spotting Penelope sleeping on the couch as I raised my eyebrows in question, but otherwise stayed silent as I made my way into the kitchen to fix breakfast. I sighed, throwing away an empty bottle of whiskey left out on the counter as Penelope finally turned over with a groan. "Another fight with your aunt", I questioned, before she flipped me off. "Mature", I hummed, sitting down at the table with a bowl of cereal. "So, where are you planning on staying tonight, because I have a game later", I reminded.

"The usual", she answered back, causing me to purse my lips.

"So, drink yourself into another stupor", I challenged.

"Don't", she warned. "Not today", she said, getting off the couch before grabbing her keys off the counter.

"Penelope", I called after her, causing her to pause by the door. "Happy birthday", I nodded.

"Thanks for the couch", she waved before disappearing out the door, causing me to shake my head with a small sigh.


Penelope's POV: Stumbling out of the house, I struggled to put my jacket on before numbly making my way down the driveway. Rubbing my eyes, I dug through my pockets to pull out my keys before pausing when I spotted the small turtle key-chain.

I groaned, hearing someone knock on my door. "Go away", I mumbled into my pillow, pulling my blanket over my head. "Let me die in peace", I huffed before my bedroom door swung open.

"Penelope, you've been up here for hours", Hope sighed, walking into the room. "Your mom called", she admitted.

"I don't want to talk about it", I warned.

"Fine, but will you at least come downstairs? Pedro's worried about you", she pleaded.

"Fine", I relented, throwing my blanket off of me as I crawled out of bed. "Lead the way, your Highness", I said sarcastically.

"Oh, I'm royalty now", she joked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah, a royal pain in the ass", I deadpanned, walking passed her in annoyance.

"Awe, you know you love us", Hope teased.

Walking into the kitchen, I opened my mouth to spit more insults only to pause when I noticed the mess. "What happened in here", I questioned, noticing the amount of flour and even eggs scattered across the kitchen. My eyes caught Hope's smile as she walked around me to help Pedro place a small cake on the table as my expression softened. "What's all this", I asked them quietly.

"We made you a cake", Pedro grinned, flour covering his hair and the front of his shirt. "Happy Birthday, Penny", he grinned, running over to me as he collided with my legs, hugging me tightly.

"Well? Aren't you gonna blow out the candles", I heard someone else ask as I turned around with a small smile. "They worked really hard on that cake", Hayley grinned as Klaus gave Hope a stern look.

"And will be cleaning up the mess later", he said sternly, but the small smile tugging at his lips gave away that he wasn't truly angry at them.

Tearing my gaze away from the chain, I continued down the driveway before pausing outside the car as I ran my hand over the hood.

"Can I open my eyes now", I asked them impatiently.

"Not yet", Klaus chuckled. "Okay. Now you can look", he said, removing the blindfold as my mouth dropped open.

"Shut up", I breathed, looking over the car in awe. "You got me a car", I asked before turning to them tearfully. "No. I can't accept this", I said, causing Hayley to scoff.

"And why not", she asked.

"I-it's too much", I said.

"I'd just go with it. They don't really take no for an answer", Hope whispered as I laughed tearfully, pulling them into a hug.

"Thank you", I whispered.

"You're welcome, sweetie", Hayley smiled.

"Picture", Hope announced, causing Klaus to sent her a look.

"Really", he asked, causing her to laugh.

"Yes", Hope nodded. "Now gather around Penelope's new hottie", she teased, causing me to roll my eyes as I leaned against the door. I laughed as Pedro hopped on my shoulders as Klaus and Hayley looked at each other in amusement. "Everyone say family", she said, pressing a button as she stood between her parents.

"Family", we smiled as the camera flashed.

Blinking the tears from my eyes, I pulled open the door before sitting down behind the wheel as a small cry escaped my lips.

I cursed as the yelling downstairs seemed to intensify as I helped Pedro into the closet. "Just stay in here", I pleaded.

"No! Don't leave me alone", he cried, clinging to my leg before I quickly quieted him down.

"I'll be fine. I promise", I said, closing the closet door.

Quietly making my way downstairs, I noticed a man holding a gun to my parent's head as he yelled at them furiously. I froze as the floorboard beneath me creaked, gaining everyone's attention as I cursed under my breath. "Penelope, go back upstairs", mom said, moving toward me before a gunshot echoed across the room.

"Christina", dad shouted as the second gunshot echoed rang through my ears.

"Pen", Pedro screamed, rushing down the hallway as I felt my heart stop.

"NO", I screamed as he fell at my feet limply.

A sob escaped my lips as I rested my head in the steering wheel, trying to push the memories away as the pain in my heart increased.

Just make it through today, Penelope.

Everything will be better after today.


Lizzie's POV: Setting down my brush, I exhaled deeply, looking over my shoulder to see Josie still sound asleep in my bed, clutching my pillow to her chest with a peaceful expression. Walking across the room, I pulled the blankets over her shoulders before leaning down to kiss her on the forehead, causing a small smile to spread across her face as she burrowed deeper under the covers.

It wasn't always like this.

There was a time when our family was happy. A time when our father was my hero. A time when Josie was our father's pride, and my best friend. A time when our mother was still alive...

Now that memory of the family that we used to be almost seemed foreign. Looking back, I almost don't recognize who we used to be to who we are now. I don't recognize the bitter, angry man who took our father away. I don't recognize this helpless child that my sister seemed to become. I don't even recognize myself anymore. I feel as though I was living in a haunted house. As if my family was ghosts of who they once were.

And I could blame all of this on the accident that took our mom away from us, but I knew that this started just weeks earlier.

Shaking my head, I cleared my throat before turning on the nightlight by my bed and quietly stepping out the door.

I could only hope that things could change. That I'll just wake up and realize that all of this was just a stupid dream.

It's the only way to make it through.

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