Chapter 6

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Penelope's POV: I quickly slipped on my jersey and threw on my shoes as I glanced up at the clock. "Hope, come on! We're gonna be late", I shouted before spotting Josie sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal.

"I know. I know", she sighed, hurrying down stairs.

"Today's game is already gonna be hell with our quarterback not showing up to practice, and Oliver out. They don't need their captain and star bench-warmer running late", I told her, before grabbing Josie's bowl and setting it in the sink.

"Hey, I wasn't finished", she pouted.

"I know you don't actually like playing, Penelope, but we actually might need you this time. With Lizzie's sudden absence and Oliver's ankle, you might have to step in", she pointed out, causing me to grimace. 

"Well, maybe captain jackass will make her grand entrance at the game", I shrugged, pulling Josie to her feet.

"My fruity pebbles", she whined as I tugged her out the front door.

"You can eat later. We got a game to win", I said before setting her in the back seat.

I started the car as Hope quickly hopped into the passenger seat. Backing out of the driveway, I put the car in drive and started down the road. "So...Josie", Hope started. "How old are you", she questioned.

"Seventeen", Josie answered.

"Really? Seventeen", Hope smiled. "Do have any family in Mystic Falls? Parents? Siblings? Cousins", she asked.

" One", she nodded quietly, starring out the window. Hope's face lit up as she looked over at me eagerly.

"Really? What are they like", she asked, causing me to shoot her a curious glance.

"She's my best friend", she smiled. "She's kind and funny...and yeah she can be a little aggressive, but she just really cares about me", she shrugged. "We fight sometimes, but it's never really that serious. At the end of each day, we know we'll have each other's back", she hummed. "But her brain is very loud", she explained. "No not loud, but um...messy", she corrected with a small frown on her face.

Hope nodded thoughtfully, trying to follow along with Josie's explanation. "Has she ever...hurt you in any way", she asked, causing Josie's frown to deepen.

"What", she asked us with wide eyes.

"Like...has she ever hit you, or-"

"No! She wouldn't do that", she shot back angrily.

"What about your parents", Hope asked her.

"No", she shouted, placing her hands over her ears.

"Hope, what are you doing", I hissed.

"Trying to get some answers. Something you refuse to do", she shot back.

"It's alright, Jojo", I told her softly as she slowly removed her hands.

"We need answers, Penelope. She can't just stay with us forever", Hope warned. "She has a family out there. Someone who loves and cares about her, and they're probably worried sick about her", she explained. Josie whined in the backseat, gaining both of our attention. I glanced in the mirror just in time to see her throw up in my car, causing me to close my eyes with a irritated sigh. "Yeah...I'm not cleaning that up", Hope scowled in disgust.

"There's no time for that. I'll just clean it up later", I said, before wincing as she threw up again. "We're taking your car next time, Mikaelson", I huffed.

"It's not my fault the girl has car sickness", she defended. "Why didn't you ask her before we left the house", she questioned.

"I was in a hurry", I grumbled, rolling down the window with a disgusted face. Pulling up at the rival school, we got out before I walked over to Josie to open the door only to see the girl crying. "Hey, what's the matter", I asked her in concern before trying to help her out only for her to scoot away from me tearfully.

"I-I'm sorry...", she cried. "I didn't mean to", she sniffed, causing my expression to soften.

"Hey, you did nothing wrong", I told her softly.

"But your car...", she said tearfully.

"It's no big deal. I'll fix it", I stated.

"Y-you're not mad", she asked us almost fearfully as Hope and I shared a quick glance.

"No, we're not mad...", I got out before she flung herself into my arms as she cried quietly.

I wrapped my arms around her as her tears soaked through my jersey. "It's okay, Jojo. I'm here", I whispered, slightly rocking her back and forth as she slowly quieted down. "Go tell the coach that we're here", I told Hope. "I'm gonna go get her cleaned up", I told her before noticing her amused expression. "What", I asked.

"Uh...Penelope", she said, pointing toward my jersey. Looking down in confusion, I felt my stomach turn as I noticed the vomit smeared into my clothes. "And maybe wash this thing while I'm at it", I muttered, causing Hope to snicker.  

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