Chapter 10

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Josie's POV: I inhaled deeply as I slowly woke up, relaxing when a felt a warm hand in mine. I smiled internally as they squeezed my hand before I gently squeezed back, letting them know that I'm alright. "Lizzie? Lizzie, what...", I trailed off, opening my eyes as I looked around the unfamiliar room before my gaze settled on the two strangers beside me.

"Oh, thank God. Are you okay", one of them asked as my head spun.

Walking through the front door, I hummed to myself softly as I sat down on the couch and took out my homework. "Mom? Is that you", Lizzie sniffed, making her way downstairs. Looking up from my history book, I frowned at the sight of my sister standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Lizzie, you're supposed to be resting", I scolded before her eyes met mine.

"I got bored", she threw back, leaning against the wall heavily. "And I threw up on my sheets", she huffed, walking further into the room before flopping down onto the couch beside with with a small groan.

"Lizzie, we have exams next week", I sighed as she lay her head on my shoulder.

"So", she shrugged carelessly.

"So, I can't get sick", I pointed out, pushing her off my shoulder.

"Why are you so mean to me", she moaned, moving away from me with a childish pout before the front door was thrown open carelessly, causing us to fall silent as we watched dad throw his jacket onto the floor and head into the kitchen for a drink.

"He seems...", she trailed off, playing with the sleeve of her shirt anxiously.

"He was fired from the Salvatore School today", I explained. "They said that he was unfit for office", I shrugged.

"But he loves that job", Lizzie frowned.

"Elizabeth", dad shouted, causing Lizzie to inhale sharply as she got off the couch and shuffled toward the kitchen.

I quickly snatched my hand away leaning away from them fearfully as I pulled my knees to my chest. "Get away from me", I exclaimed. "Who a-are you? Where am I", I asked them fearfully.

"Josie? Are you okay", the reddish-brown haired girl asked, stepping forward as I flinched, expecting to be hit.

"N-no. Please...", I panicked tearfully, raising my hands to protect my face.

"Jojo, it's okay", the raven-haired girl assured. "It's just Hope. Remember", she questioned. "I know she can be a little passive aggressive sometimes, but she would never hurt you", she told me with a frown.

Gazing at the kitchen door, I set my book to the side before hesitantly getting off the couch and making my way into the kitchen. "Dad? What's...", I got out as he backhanded Lizzie across the face, sending her into the table as it shattered, sending glass everywhere. My eyes widened in horror as he climbed on top of her, and wrapped his hands around her neck tightly.

Racing across the room, I grabbed him by the arm, attempting to pry his hands away from her. "Stop! Dad, stop it! Stop", I yelled as Lizzie clawed at his hands breathlessly. "Dad, please...", I begged before he finally released her, causing her to gasp as I fell to my knees next to her.

"What happened", mom exclaimed, walking into the kitchen as I rubbed Lizzie's back soothingly.

"Look around, Caroline", dad exclaimed, gesturing toward the mess. "That bitch destroyed the kitchen", he yelled, causing Lizzie to flinch. "And with no job, how the hell am I supposed to pay it off? I'm sick of it", he shouted.

Louder Than ThunderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora