Chapter 8

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Hope's POV: I sighed, turning over and shutting off my alarm before getting up to get dressed. Walking into the kitchen tiredly, I poured me a cup of coffee before pausing as I spotted Josie sitting on the couch with a plate of pancakes, watching Tangled. "Good morning", Penelope smiled, walking into the room. "I thought I might have to go check on you", she joked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"What is she doing up", I asked curiously.

"I told her to go back to sleep, but she told me that she's not used to sleeping alone", she frowned, shaking her head.

"What do we even do with her? We can't just take her to school with us", I reminded.

"I know. I was honestly dreading today", she admitted. "Do you think she'll be okay by herself", I questioned. "Maybe I should stay here", Penelope frowned.

"She'll be fine, Penelope", I chuckled, catching her gazing over at Josie worriedly.

"Hey, Jojo. We really need to go to school? Will you be okay here", She asked the brunette. "I can stay home", she quickly suggested, causing Josie to scowl slightly.

"No, school important", she shrugged, turning her attention toward the TV, giggling at the horse.

"So, you'll be okay", Penelope asked hesitantly, causing me to roll my eyes as I grabbed her arms and pulled her out the door.

"Josie, our numbers are on the table. If you need anything, just call either me or Penelope", I said, before closing the door and pulling Penelope the the car as she glanced back at the door in concern.


Penelope's POV: I sat in first period, Physics, scribbling down noted as I glanced down at my phone, googling anything about a missing persons report. Nothing comes up, and I haven't found one picture of Josie. I even looked for any kind of social media account, but it's almost like the girl doesn't exist. It probably would help if I had the girl's full name.

It wasn't until lunch that my phone lit up, signaling that I got a call from the house phone. I excuse myself from the group and walked out into the hallway as I panicked slightly. "Are you okay? What's wrong", I blurted out, answering the phone.

"Penny", Josie giggled happily. "Can I eat the noodles in the fridge", she questioned, causing me to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Yeah, go for it", I answered before hanging up.

Shaking my head in amusement, I smiled before heading back into the lunchroom as Hope sent me a worried look. I nodded slightly causing her to relax in her seat before I sat down and continued eating.


Hope's POV: I sighed, pulling into the driveway as Penelope looked over at the house cautiously. "Well, it's still standing. That's a good sign right", She asked before getting out of the car. Unlocking the door, I held my breath and pushed the door open, expecting to find a mess, but when we walked inside the house looked even cleaner than we left.

"Josie", I called, before spotting a flash of hair as we were both crushed into a hug.

"You're home", the girl said excitedly.

"And what have you've been up to", Penelope asked her lightly, causing her to pull away sheepishly.

"Cleaning...", she smiled anxiously. "You don't like it? I can do it again", she told us hurriedly before I stopped her.

"Josie, you didn't have to do this", I frowned.

"O-oh, I can polish the furniture", she told us hopefully. "Or maybe you want a massage", she smiled, causing Penelope to look over at me weirdly.

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