Chapter 9

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Josie's POV: I yawned tiredly as I quietly made my way downstairs with a small pout. Rubbing my eyes tiredly, I walked into the kitchen only to pause when I spotted Penny talking to some strange boy. Who's this guy? I crossed my arms, glaring at his back as Penny laughed softly.

Why is she laughing?

"Right? That went on for actual days", she laughed, leaning against the counter. "And that time you walked into the girls' bathroom", she grinned.

"They were hitting me with hairbrushes", the boy laughed.

"Penny", I called out, causing the two to turn around.

"Good morning", she greeted.

"Who's the boy", I asked.

"Oh, Josie, this is Jed", she introduced. "Jed, this is Josie. She was the one I was telling you about", Penny explained, causing me to smile internally.

She was talking about me?

No, focus.

"Do you like him", I asked her anxiously. "Like...more than you like me", I questioned, wrapping her jacket tighter around myself at the thought.

"Well, yeah, I mean...", she paused. "Oh! You mean 'do I have feelings for him", she snickered, causing my frown to deepen. "No, Josie. This is my cousin", she added, causing Jed to shrug playfully.

"Not to mention, old Penelope here, does't drive st-ow", he shouted as Penny elbowed him in his ribs.

"Huh...", I I frowned cluelessly.

"Nothing. Jed was just leaving", she said firmly, causing him to huff.

"I never get to have any fun", he grumbled.


Penelope's POV: I sighed, flopping down onto the couch before picking up the remote. "So, whatcha wanna watch", I asked. "No Romances. Or Comedy's. Or fairy tales", I interjected, glancing toward the stairs. "Jojo, come on. Help me out here", I paused, noticing her blank stare. "Jojo", I called. "Stop playing around", I huffed.

Why isn't she moving?

She's been in that one spot since before Jed left.

"Is there something wrong", I asked as her eyes glazed over. "Jojo...", I frowned before jumping to my feet as her body dropped to the ground limply, hitting the bottom stair roughly. Fear ran up my spine as I rushed to her side, looking her over worriedly as a bruise quickly formed on her forehead. "Hey, Jojo. Wake up. Wake up", I pleaded, shaking her slightly as I heard the front door open.

"Penelope? I'm home", Hope shouted. "I brought snacks...", she trailed off, walking into the living room as she dropped the bags to the floor. "What happened", she exclaimed, joining me by the stairs.

"I don't know. She was fine one minute, and then it was like...", I shook my head, unable to explain what happened.

She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "This is why I suggested taking her to the hospital, Penelope", she hissed, looking her over.

"Is she okay", I asked fearfully. "Is she okay, Hope", I repeated, raising my voice as panic set into my chest. "Jojo, come on. Wake up. Please, wake up", I exclaimed, shaking her again as Hope shoved me back.

"Are you insane", she glared. "You can't just shake her like that, Penelope. You could cause more damage", she scolded as warm tears ran down my face. "Help me get her upstairs", she said as I helped pick her up carefully. "Watch her head, and try no to move her around too much", Hope said as we slowly made our way up the stairs.

"We can lay her on my bed", I said shakily, as we maneuvered her onto the bed. Covering her up, I sat down on the edge of the bed as I pushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Come on, Jojo. Come back to me", I begged.

"You really do care about her", Hope noted.

"How can I not", I smiled tearfully.

"Do her", she questioned.

"What? How can you ask me that", I asked her in shock. "She's a child, Hope", I scolded.

"You and I both know that not true", she starred avoided her eyes. "Penelope, it's okay to care. It's okay to want something. To be more", she told me softly.

"Isn't it", I sighed, wiping my eyes. "I mean, she may look like an adult, but in her mind, she is still a child, Hope", I explained sadly.

"So you would still take care of her", she questioned. "Even if you couldn't do more than hold her hand", she asked.

"I would care of her for the rest of my life if it meant that this goofball was by my side", I admitted, squeezing her hand gently. "I just wish...", I trailed off with a gasp.

"What? What is it", Hope questioned.

"She just squeezed my hand", I said hopefully.

"Mmm", she groaned, moving her head slightly. "Lizzie? Lizzie, what...", she said, opening her eyes as she gazed up at us.

"Oh, thank God. Are you okay", Hope asked.

I jumped back in shock as she snatched her hand away from me and practically curled in on herself. "Get away from me", she exclaimed fearfully, pulling her knees to her chest. "Who a-are you. Where am I", she asked. "Where's my sister. H-How much is he paying you", she questioned fearfully as I felt everything come to a stop.

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