Chapter 8: Challenge.....where?

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Y/n P.o.V:

I wake up from bed as I heard the sound of someone in the bathroom. as well as Rosa wrapping her snake like body around of me.  I felt her body binding me tightly. I look over to see Light already awake playing a video game but no sign of Ash. Y/n warps out of Rosa's grip with warps and appears behind Light.

Y/n: *speaks up in monotone fashion* "Hey Light." *Light jumps from his seat and turns to look at his leader* 

Light: "Don't do that!" 

Y/n: "Sorry..." *looks and notice a strange game of the computer* "What's that?"

Light: *looks over to the game* "Oh this is Project M.." 

Y/n: *blinks twice* "This game

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Y/n: *blinks twice* "This game...looks familiar..." 

Light: "Yeah, this game is pretty popular...heh you woud be amaze what fans can create man."

Y/n: "Okay..." *he then looks over to him* "Where is Ash?" 

Light: "Oh he's in the bathroom." *The door opens as Ash walking out of his uniform and a white and blue spotted towel.* "Well he was in the bathroom."

Ash: *looks to see Y/n* "Oh Good Morning Y/ did you get out of Rosa's grip.." 

Y/n walks inside the bathroom.

Y/n: *monotone* "With ease.." *closes the bathroom door and locking it with a change of clothing and a towel.*

He takes a quick hot shower as he does he looks over to sink notice a blue spatter on the sink.

Y/n: ' dye?'

(Timeskip 3rd P.o.V:)

Team (F/I).L.R.A walking over to Beacon Academy to the last day of class Mrs. Goodwitch's class. As the team heads inside Team RWBY was already there. 

Ruby: "Hey guys! Over here!"

The teams sits down next to them with Y/n sitting next to Ruby.

Yang: "Well what do you think of your first day of class, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Boring.."

Rosa: "Yeah...well that's just Port's and Oobleck's classes for you."

Light: "Though...I don't think I ever get to see a Grimm trembling in fear before."

Team RWBY look over to Light confused before someone nearby spoke up.

Male Voice: "Tremble in fear? A grimm?"

Team RWBY and (F/I).L.R.A looks over to see Team JNPR smiling towards them.

A looks over to see Team JNPR smiling towards them

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