Chapter 10: Surgeing for Stuff to do.

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3rd P.o.V:

It was another day (F/I).L.R.A was in walking out of Oobleck's class.  Rosa, Light and Ash looked bored out of their mind. Meanwhile Y/n was not even paying attention to them talking.  He seemed to be lost in thought of what he saw last time.

Y/n: ' was Weiss in that photo?.... why was that photo cut up by a scissor?....and who was that baby in that photo?.....But more importantly...why did Ash have that photo...and why that orange that photo.....He is the one who is always in my nightmare...WHO THE FUCK IS HE?!'

Light: "HEY BOSS?!" *Y/n stops his train of thought as he looks over to the others which they have a worried look on their faces* "You okay man?"

Y/n: "Oh...yeah...I'm fine...I guess I'm a bit distracted and all..."

Rosa: "Oh... distracted? You?"

Y/n: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ash: " it's unlike you to be distracted..."

Y/n: "I guess....I'm bored I guess and I want to do something with you all." *He thinking of his lie* 'It's better this way..'

Light: "Heh you two huh?"

Rosa: "I know why don't we go to Vale? We need to go shopping for clothes to the dance?"

Y/n: "Dance?"

Light: "Yeah you know the Dance coming up?"

Y/n: "Oh...okay..let's go th-"

Yang: "YOU!" 

Team (F/I).LRA looks behind them to see Team RWBY running over to them.

Ash: "Oh hey guys! What's up?"

Ruby: "Oh not much we just want to know where did Y/n go yesterday?"

The others look over to Y/n with a curious look on their face.

Light: "What do you mean?"

Y/n: "Nothing.....just my excuse us..."

Yang was about to grab them when an explosion was heard behind them. They turn to see Nora chasing after a screaming Jaune. 


Jaune: *screaming* "I said I was sorry!"

Ruby: "What was that about?"

Weiss: *turns her head* "No clu-.....HEY! WHERE DID THEY GO?!"

Team RWY looks around to see Y/n and his team had vanished to thin air. Meanwhile Blake walks away reading her book passing....Emerald and Mercury who walks by.

Yang: "MOTHER FU-"

(In Vale)

Team (F/I).LRA begins to moves upward out of a dark corner of the alleyway in Vale. Light, Rosa and Ash begins to gasps for air taking a large breather while Y/n was fine.

Light: "Oh god...warn us next time when you do that!"

Rosa: "S-so...scary..."

Y/n: "You're fine...besides it was Light who wanted a shortcut..."

Light: "Yeah But I never thought it wasn't going to be like that!"

Ash: "It was scary and cool...though.. we should find our clothing now.."

Y/n: "Okay.." 

(F/I). LRA walks over to a nearby clothing store and begin to search for clothing for the Dance. While Light, Ash and Rosa easily find some clothing.....Y/n....was more trouble.

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