Send me down to hell I dare you! (1)

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Springtrap was stuck under some rubble, as the building burnt. You're a clever bitch, Henry... he thought, feeling the fiery pits of hell opening up below him, just enough to send him down. As he fell he could see many buildings, and many demons. He then hit the ground, a loud CRASH! occuring.

"OW! FUCK!" Springtrap stood up, feeling him have a left arm this time. "Oh, this is satisfying!" he said joyfully.

He saw eyes staring him down, which made him alarmed. He saw demons everywhere, and he realized: he made it to Hell, and he can't return to the over world now. He looked at a nearby building, with the words "Happy Hotel" on the top.

"I guess I'll go there." Springtrap walked over to there, hoping nothing bad hap-

He got hit by a car right off the bat.

He screamed. But it didn't hurt, surprisingly enough. He stood up, and saw a white spider with pink spots on them leave the car, which was a taxi. Springtrap hissed, then ran to the hotel, hoping nothing more crazy happens. Fucking taxis, I tell ya! he thought.

He then made it to the hotel, him looking around curiously at it. This doesn't seem so bad! he thought. He then heard someone run up to him, seeing a white girl with yellow hair and a red suit seem excited about seeing him.

"Are you... Mr. Afton?! The one who avoided death for thirty years?!" she asked, pretty much fan girling.

Springtrap grinned. "Why, yes I am! Why do you ask?" he asked.

"My dad has been finding ways to try and get you down here! How did you do it?!" the girl asked.

"It's easy, real- wait... you're the devil's daughter?!" Springtrap shouted.

"Yeah! I'm Charlie, the princess of Hell!!" the girl made a rainbow appear, which lit on fire.

"Fuck this shit I'm out!" Springtrap turned to the door.

"Wait! I wanna ask you some questions!" Charlie argued, grabbing Springtrap's hand.

Springtrap hissed, moving his hand away from the questioning demon's own hands. "Can't you see I'm busy, trying to find a way out of Hell?!" he argued.

"W-well, what if I told you that The Happy Hotel looks to rehabilitate the demons here, and give them a chance to go to heaven?" Charlie asked.

Springtrap was confused. "That's impossible! Ha! I know for certain that once you get into Hell, you're stuck here!" he argued.

As he said that, Charlie had the most saddest eyes. Which made Springtrap groan. "Fine! I'll give it a try!" he hissed.

Charlie smiled. "Yay! You won't regret it, Mr. Afton!" she squealed, going up to the counter.

Springtrap groaned, going to walk up to the counter until he heard the doors swing open. He looked and saw a red deer demon staring at him, smiling.

"I heard the rumors, and just HAD to see for myself!" the demon said in a radio-like voice.

"The hell you talking about?" Springtrap asked.

"Oh ho ho! You had avoided death, my friend! And your finally gonna pay the consequences." the demon grinned, appearing behind Springtrap.


The demon placed a finger on Springtrap's non-existent lips. "Shh shh shh! Don't fret, Mr. Afton! I'll help you through these dark times!" the demon promised.

Springtrap removed the demon's finger. "What do they call you?" he asked.

"Oh! Must you ask? The name's Alastor, my friend! You call yourself Springtrap, I assume?" the demon asked.


"Then that's what I'll call you, my trashy friend!" Alastor laughed, turning around.

Springtrap crossed his arms, rolling his eyes. "I see, Deer-face."

Charlie gasped.

Alastor jumped, slowly looking at Springtrap. "Excuse me, my friend? What did you just call me?" he asked.

"Deer-face. You gonna fight me?" Springtrap asked.

"I'll make you regret that you ever spea-"

"HOLD UP!" Charlie got between them.

"Aww, why'd you ruin the fun, Char?" Springtrap asked.

"I don't wanna see a fight break out in my happy hotel!" Charlie argued.

"Eh, your lost, my friend! I wanted to see who won!" Alastor pulled out a weird staff thing.

"Oh come on! You know Mr. Afton would lose." Charlie said.

"HEY!" Springtrap hissed.

"But promise me, Mr. Afton! Promise you won't fight anyone!" Charlie begged.

She started doing the puppy dog eyes, which made Springtrap lower his ears. "F-fine!" he groaned. Charlie hugged him, but Alastor laughed.

"You know, my rabbit friend, how about we make a deal?" Alastor asked, a contract thing appearing beside him.

~* A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading my Hazbin Hotel X FNaF Fanfic! Hope you enjoyed it!! ^-^ *~

Alastor and Springtrap: The Deal That Can't ExistWhere stories live. Discover now