How about we make a deal, then? (2)

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Springtrap was confused. "What deal? What business can I possi-"

"Hush now, Springy! You'll like what I have to say!" Alastor laughed.

"Keep talking..." he growled.

"I can allow you to leave Hell, and get back to the over world, with a new fleshy body, if you don't mind working with me for all eternity!" Alastor held out a hand.

Springtrap made a "pssh" sound, which turned to laughter. Alastor looked disapproved, although he was smiling. "Your loss!" he waved his hand, then looked at Charlie.

Charlie looked startled. Springtrap's laughter faded as Alastor began talking. "My dear, you said you wanted the demons here to have a chance to rehabilitate, am I correct?" he asked.

"Y-yes..?" Charlie asked.

"Well, what if I can tell you that I can make that possible, hm?" Alastor asked, a big smile appearing on his face.

"Whoa whoa whoa! I am not making that kind of deal! I know you!" Charlie argued.

"Eh, your loss, sweetie!" Alastor chuckled. He then looked around, seeming interested with the hotel.

"Hey, buddy. What the fuck are you doing?" Springtrap hissed.

"The place could use some decor, and I am such a great decorator!" Alastor laughed at that.

Springtrap rolled his eyes. Charlie was alarmed. "I said your not having the hotel!" she argued.

"Oh, have it your way, sweetheart!" Alastor went to go sit down.

Springtrap was confused. What the hell is he doing? he thought as Alastor sat down, probably scheming. Springtrap looked at Charlie, who seemed stressed. He then had an idea, but he didn't like it, so he groaned. "How much is the pay?" he rolled his eyes.

Charlie looked startled, looking at Springtrap. "W-what do you mean?" she asked.

"You're gonna need some help getting this "Happy Hotel" running, so I thought I would offer to help?" Springtrap crossed his arms and shrugged.

Charlie grew a big smile, and then hugged Springtrap, which made him look shocked. "Alright, I get it. You appreciate my help." he rolled his eyes.

"Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOUUUU!!" Charlie squealed.

"Yup." Springtrap smiled a bit.

"Oh, and the pay is pretty average. I'd say... $46,000?" Charlie shrugged, letting go of Springtrap.

If this were a cartoon, Springtrap's eyes would've turned into dollar signs. "Alright, count me in!" he smiled, excited for the pay.

"Yay!" Charlie squealed.

As Charlie was being excited, a girl with long white hair came into the room, looking confused, but then startled by Springtrap's appearance. "Charlie, who is this?" the girl asked.

"Oh! Vaggie! We have a new worker with us! Meet: Mr. Afton!" Charlie showed off Springtrap to the girl, who Springtrap assumed was Vaggie.

"Mr. Afton is real?!" Vaggie was alarmed.

Springtrap was insulted. "Yeah? I do exist." he growled.

"Mr. Afton, please calm down." Charlie begged.

Springtrap groaned, rolling his eyes. "Fine." he groaned.

Charlie sighed, relief in her sigh. "Thank you." she smiled.

"Yeah." Springtrap said.

"So, Mr. Afton? How does it feel like to be in hell?" Vaggie asked, almost sounding like a threat.

(( Hey! Thank you for reading chapter 2!! Cant wait to make Chapter 3!! ))

Alastor and Springtrap: The Deal That Can't ExistWhere stories live. Discover now