Fiddling with Memories (11)

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Springtrap woke up, feeling light headed. What the fuck happened? he thought with worry. He looked at the familiar figures of Charlie and Angel, their faces full of worry.

"What the fuck did you do to get Husk mad?!" Angel asked.

"I just joked about... ow..." Springtrap held his head as it stung.

"His wings?" Charlie asked.

"Y-yeah..." Springtrap groaned.

"Beginner's mistake with that grumpy cat!" Angel chuckled.

"Shut your trap." Springtrap growled.

"Springtrap? Can we talk?" Charlie asked.

Aw, shit. "Y-yeah..." Springtrap nodded.

"Come here. It's private." Charlie said, helping Springtrap up.

Springtrap stood up, groaning as he looked at Charlie, who started walking to the hallway. Springtrap followed her, knowing he was gonna get fired. But he wanted to be fired, to be honest. He followed Charlie into her office, and she sat down in her office chair, pointing to the chair in front of her desk. Springtrap gulped, sitting in the chair.

"So, this isn't about me firing you, Mr. Afton." Charlie said sternly.

"Its..." Springtrap sighed. "... Springtrap." he said calmly.

"Yeah, but when we meet, I want to call you by your appropriate name, got it?" Charlie asked.

"Fuck! Fine!" Springtrap held his hands up in anger.

Charlie sighed. "Look, this is about how you got here in the first place." she started.

"Oh?" Springtrap raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. How did you come here?" Charlie asked.

Springtrap thought for a bit, then blinked. "I got here by the fiery pits of hell opening up and swallowing me whole." he said.

Charlie gasped. "So you didn't die!" she said, as if she was confirming something.

"Wait, where are you getting at?!" Springtrap asked, confusion and nervousness in his tone.

"You can go back to the over world! You just need a boost..." Charlie sighed.

"I-I can?! So I can leave hell?!" Springtrap stood up with excitement. asked.

"Yes! B-but..." Charlie looked down.

Springtrap slowly sat back down. "What do you mean, 'but'?" he asked.

"Well, you need a higher class demon to let you out, and we're having so much fun here! I want you to stay, and I don't want you making a deal with Alastor, got it?!" Charlie instructed.


"Well, you need to stay! You are needed here! You're perfect to help me figure out how to get sinful demons stop being mean, and get to heaven!" Charlie stated, looking sad.

Springtrap looked down, now facing a dilemma. What do I choose? Freedom, or doing a favour? he thought. He looked at Charlie, a determined expression written on his face.

"I'll help!" he regretted being allowed to speak. He

Charlie looked startled, then she squealed, smiling. Springtrap was then hugged by Charlie, who was laughing and... crying?

"Thank you so, so, so much, Springy!" she said joyfully.

Springtrap smiled, hugging Charlie back. "Sure thing, kid." he said, a soft tone to his usually aggressive tone.

Charlie then began crying, which made Springtrap confused. "Why are you crying?" he asked.

"You made my day, Mr. Af- Springtrap." Charlie said, pulling back from their hug so she can look Springtrap in the eyes.

Springtrap blushed. "W-well, I try..." he chuckled.

"Come on! I need to tell everyone the news!" Charlie said gleefully.

(( THANKS FOR READING CHAPTER 11!! What will Chapter 12 have? All I know is that it involved Springtrap and Charlie!! UwU!! ))

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