The Drinking Life (5)

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Springtrap and Angel were walking down the streets of Hell, Springtrap looking around anxiously. God damn... How many demons are there? he thought, looking at Angel. Is he a demon too? Springtrap asked himself. They then came it to a bar called "Drink Away", which made Springtrap roll  his eyes.

"I can do better." he said out loud.

Angel laughed. "Sure you can, sweetheart~" he teased.

Springtrap huffed, then went to walk in. When they were inside, Springtrap couldn't believe it. It looked so hellish, that it put him on edge. he looked at Angel, who was smiling.

"I come here every time I need a drink, and it works every time!" Angel bragged.

Springtrap then had an idea. "How strong can liquor get here?" he asked.

"How strong? Ha! You should know hell by now, sweetheart!~ You can get drunk in one second. So drunk that you'd puke all your guts out!" Angel laughed.

"Well, the more you know, eh?" Springtrap headed up to the counter, Angel following.

The bartender was a demon that would send you shivers down your spine. But that wasn't the scary factor. The prices were damn cheap, and Springtrap could afford all of it. He saw Angel rest an arm onto the counter, then look at the bartender.

"Hey, suga~ Can me and my rabbit friend get something good?~" Angel flirted.

The bartender looked at Angel, who was examining his nails, even though he was wearing gloves. He then looked at the bartender, blinking.

"O-of course, Mr. Dust!" the bartender went to pull out a whiskey bottle, and then a vodka bottle. Springtrap watched as the bartender mixed the two ingredients, then look at Springtrap. "Is the newbie trying?" he asked.

"I-" Springtrap began, but Angel hushed him.

"Yes, he is. He needs some time away from work, so he came with me~" Angel patted Springtrap's head.

"Well, alright." the bartender started pouring the mixed drinks into a couple cups.

Springtrap saw Angel grab both, and then hand one to him, which he took. Here goes... Springtrap thought.


Springtrap woke up in a bed, confused. How did I..? he looked to his side and saw Angel there, staring at him lovingly. "Hey, babe~"

Springtrap hissed and screeched at the same time.

"Oh calm down! I didn't get pregnant!" Angel rolled his eyes.

Springtrap was confused. "What do you mean?!" he asked.

Then, it hit him...


Springtrap was kissing Angel, inserting his tongue into Angel's mouth. Both of them moaned, and Springtrap started to stroke Angel's member.

"Oh yeah!~" Angel squealed.

"Shut up, bitch~" Springtrap said as he groped Angel's behind.

Springtrap then slammed Angel to the bed, licking Angel's neck as they started getting it on.


Springtrap was now wide eyed. "DID I SERIOUSLY HAVE SEX WITH A SPIDER?!" he shouted.

"Yeah~ It was a fun time!~" Angel cooed.

Springtrap got out of the bed, then went to leave, making Angel confused. "Where ya going, sweetheart?~" he asked.

"Going to drink bleach." Springtrap hissed.

Angel was silent, probably gonna say something, but then cut himself off, making an "eh" sound.

Springtrap left the room, then went down leave where ever he was, but when he got to the lobby, he saw that he was in the Happy Hotel, Alastor and Charlie talking.

"Well, I do say! I want to watch the scum of the world climb up the hill of betterment! Only to trip and repeatedly tumble down and fall into the fiery pits of failure..." Alastor grinned, sounding very creepy with the last part.

"Um..." Charlie began.

"So, its a deal then?" Alastor asked, holding a hand for Charlie to shake.

As he did so, a green light occurred, and wind blew from it. Springtrap had to try and implement himself into the ground so he didn't blow away.

"What? No!" Charlie argued.

The wind stopped and the light vanished, as Alastor looked disappointed. "Very well, sweetheart. Have it your way. Until you wish to make this deal, I will stick around, and wait for your decision." he grinned.

Springtrap walked up to them, rolling his eyes. Charlie looked at him, then smiled. "Oh! Mr. Afton!" she greeted.

"I said don't call me that." Springtrap hissed.

"S-sorry, Springtrap... it's a force of habit..." Charlie sighed.

Springtrap groaned and rolled his eyes. "Its fine. So, what were you two talking about?" Springtrap asked.

"Only about the hotel, my rabbit friend!" Alastor laughed.

Springtrap groaned, face palming.

(( Thank you for reading! I didn't add much of a lemon, but I still did!!.. phew, that's done! ))

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