It's Me (10)

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Springtrap was laying in bed, thinking. How the hell am I gonna cope with this hotel? It's already had enough that it wants me to commit suicide! he grumbled. He looked at the ceiling and saw he ceiling lights swing from an unknown wind. That's normal, right? he thought, but then heard an all too familiar giggle. He then saw none other then Golden Freddy jump on top of him, grinning.

"Fuck off." Springtrap hissed.

"But I came to see you! Heaven has been so nice!" Golden Freddy teased.

"Shut up!" he covered his eyes with his hand, but that didn't make Golden Freddy go away.

"Aww, is someone jealous?" Golden Freddy teased.

"Leave me alone!" Springtrap argued.

But Golden Freddy grabbed his wrists and then removed his hands from his eyes. "Don't resist, William. You're just as much as a bitch here then anyone else." Golden Freddy grinned.

Springtrap squeaked, going red. "W-what?" he asked.

"Oh, you don't know? You know everyone here is a complete bitch. You are no different. It was time you finally got what you deserve." Golden Freddy grinned devilishly.

Springtrap then saw the lights flicker as they went out, then turned back on as Golden Freddy disappeared. Springtrap sighed with relieve, looking at the window before he decided to sit up. He then headed downstairs as he had to go back to his job, and he had to get to work before anyone noticed him leaving to relax in the first place.


Springtrap was back at the counter, waiting for anything to come by to check in, but that may not happen. He sighed and looked around, seeing the bar and Husk working there. Springtrap had an idea.

"HEY! HUSK!!" he called to the winged cat.

Husk looked at Springtrap, confused.

"Why are you a cat with wings?" he snickered.

"Oh, shut your fucking mouth, trash rabbit!" Husk argued.

Springtrap slammed his fist onto the table as he laughed, thinking of how funny Husk would be with baby wings. Husk growled and then threw a beer bottle at Springtrap, which hit his head and knocked him out.


(( Wow, short, but hey, I'm trying ;-; Thanks for reading Chapter 10!! What's in store for Chapter 11? Only the cringiest shit I can think of!! ))

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