The Dealer's Card (12)

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Springtrap was now walking with Charlie to the hotel lobby. He had gotten everyone gathered so Charlie can tell everyone that Springtrap was gonna help figure a way for demons to get to heaven. Springtrap then began to wonder. Can he actually go to the over world? He looked at Charlie, who seemed a bit distressed as they walked.

"You okay, Char?" Springtrap asked.

"Hm? Oh! Yeah!" Charlie looked at Springtrap.

"Well, alright." Springtrap shrugged.

Charlie and Springtrap then entered the main room, where Alastor, Angel, Vaggie, Niffty, and Husk were, waiting. Springtrap looked at Charlie, who breathed, and smiled a fake smile.

"Everyone! I have talked with Mr. Af- Springtrap, and he said he will stay, and help us find a way to get demons to heaven!" she said excitedly.

Everyone blinked. Springtrap face palmed.

"We're gonna find a way, trust me. If I survived death twice, then we can find a way to make demons "check out into heaven"!" Springtrap slammed his fist into the palm of his hand.

Niffty squealed, as Angel smirked. "He's got a point." he said.

Alastor chuckled softly. "Dear, sweet, naive bunny and demon. There is no way a demon can go to heaven! What's done is done!" he said coldly.

Springtrap growled. "What?" he threatened.

"Springtrap-" Charlie began, but Springtrap shot her one death glare, silencing her, and then glared at Alastor, who was smiling.

"What if I can prove those rules wrong, huh?!" he barked.

Alastor scoffed. "You won't succeed! You are always a failure!" he said coldly.

Springtrap blinked, then went to lunge for Alastor, but Alastor raised one hand, and instantly Springtrap was sent to a wall, stuck by a magical force. Everyone gasped, but Alastor headed up to Springtrap, his hand in a flat expression until he started slowly closing it, causing Springtrap to experience pain. Pain? it felt like the spring locks were closing in on him, and it was that spring lock failure all over again. Alastor chuckled, almost closing his hand until Charlie stopped him.

"Hey! You can't kill him!!" she argued.

Alastor released Springtrap, making him fall down as he looked at Charlie. "And why not? Hmm?" he asked, confusion in his tone.

"I need him to help us! I feel if he can repent, then we can get other demons to repent. He's one of the most sinful demons here!" Charlie said.

Alastor laughed, and it was a cocky one. "He's no demon! He fell into here, while we all died, or were born here!" Alastor explained.

"Yeah, but he can still repent!!" Charlie argued.

As Charlie and Alastor argued, Springtrap stood up and headed towards the front door, rubbing his left arm, which was disabled. Charlie looked at Springtrap with shock.

"Springtrap?!" she called.

"I'm gonna go..." he said sadly.

"B-but you cant!! We need you here!!" Charlie argued.

Springtrap stopped. "For what? More insults?" he asked.

Charlie stopped, glaring at Alastor as he smiled. "I bid you Aideu, my friend!" he laughed.

Springtrap flipped the bird to Alastor as he left the hotel, ready to just... walk around, he assumed.

Welp, time to be a mopey bastard... he thought as he walked away, until he heard someone call him.

"Hey! Wait!"

It sounded like Angel. he turned around and saw Angel stop in front of him, panting.

"Don't let... that pimp... get to you..." he panted.

"Why?" Springtrap asked with curiosity.

"He's been a jerk to you ever since he arrived!" Angel hissed.

"And?" Springtrap tilted his head.

"He wanted you to leave! He wanted to get you out! I remember him calling you trash! I don't believe that, but you kinda do-" Angel stated.

"Ahem." Springtrap growled.

"But listen! Stay at least a little longer! You could use the help from us!" Angel said.

"Since when did you care?" Springtrap asked.

"I started caring when I saw you!" Angel said, blushing a bit.

Springtrap grew red too, and they stared at each other until Springtrap sighed.

"Fine. I'll come back." he said.

Angel blinked, then hugged Springtrap with all four arms. Springtrap blushed deeper, patting Angel's head. "Let's get back inside." he said.

Angel let go, nodding as he smiled. And the two went inside.

(( Yo! Here's Chapter 12 of Alastor and Springtrap!! I hope this was worth it!! ))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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