What a Party Pooper!! (8)

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Springtrap had made it back to the Happy Hotel, and was about to get the drugs to Angel, who questioned why Springtrap had drugs too, which he responded with him being a bitch and saying "It's none of your businesss!". Springtrap was now in his room, looking at the cocaine. How the hell do I do drugs, when I am an animatronic?! he thought. He then had an idea. Oh ho ho! This is gonna be good! he thought, looking at the nearby syringe.


Springtrap woke up on the floor of the hotel, feeling very drowsy and being tied up. Ow... fuck... what happened..? he thought as he looked at Charlie and Angel looking at him with a disappointed look.

"What?" Springtrap asked, his voice sounding tired.

"You nearly trashed the Hotel!" Charlie shouted.

"S-so..?" Springtrap asked.

Angel rolled his eyes. "Did you take the entire bag of drugs? Cause I don't do that." he sighed.

"Umm... maybe?" Springtrap shrugged, trying to breaking out of the rope.

"Good luck with that: that rope is very strong." Angel grinned.

"Fuck." Springtrap looked around.

Some things were thrown to the side, and something was definitely broken. Springtrap gulped. He looked at Charlie, who was so mad.

"I don't like your use of drugs! No drugs!" Charlie ordered.

Springtrap groaned. "Fine!" he hissed.

Charlie made a "mm-hm!" sound when she nodded, and Angel went to untie him. Springtrap just growled after Angel untied him. He stood up and looked at Charlie, who had her arms crossed and was glaring at Springtrap.

"Okay, I know what your going to say, but I can fix this... I used to work at a pizzeria. I made tons of stuff there." Springtrap explained.

Charlie nodded. "You better. All of these repairs will cost you!" she huffed.

Springtrap groaned, rolling his eyes. "Yes, Char." he agreed.

"I hope you learned a valuable lesson today, Mr. Afton." Charlie gave Springtrap a death glare.

"Don't call me that." Springtrap hissed.

Angel was now walking away, swinging the rope around. Springtrap sighed, thinking.

"Oh, sweetheart?" Angel looked at Springtrap.

"What?" he hissed.

"You should get some help. You can't make demon things with just your knowledge of the over world." Angel warned, going into the elevator.

"I- okay..." Springtrap sighed.

Charlie rolled her eyes. "Get to work!" she said sternly, going to leave.

Springtrap groaned, going to look at what he can salvage, but then he heard Alastor's annoying laughing again. ohmyfuckinggod. Springtrap thought angrily.

"It seems your in a pinch, Springy! So, do you wish to have help?" Alastor asked.

"I can do it." Springtrap rolled his eyes.

"You sure? You can use some special help just in case!" Alastor held up a blueprint.

Springtrap looked at it, confused. "Is that a building guide blueprint?" he asked.

"Oh, why yes it is! It tells you how to make all of the furniture here!" Alastor grinned.

"I sure hope this works..." Springtrap sighed.

"Alrighty! Lets get to work, hm? Oh! I meant you shall get to work!" Alastor laughed, handing Springtrap the blueprint.

"Wait, no deal? Sweet." Springtrap took the blueprint.

"Oh of course, my friend!" Alastor smiled, walking away.

Springtrap sighed, thinking of why Alastor decided to help him. Is this a bribery? he thought, but he looked at the blueprint, and somehow, he understood all of it. Every single one. He smirked. Oh, this will be easy. he thought.

(( AH, Bribery!! Thanks for reading Chapter 8!! Fun, wasn't it? Keep an eye out for Chapter 9!! ))

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