Page 2: You and Her.

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You pass out on the couch. You had the weirdest dream you were in a field in the middle of no-where. You walk around and see a tree. You walk towards it, you feel blissful and high. The floor starts to melt but the tree just stays there. You're confused about what's happening but then you see her. It's Aera.

(Y/N): Tf is happening.

Aera proceeds to hush you or at least that's what you think. You wake up at 3 in the morning. You turn off the tv and proceed to go upstairs and go to check on Aera, she's sound asleep. You then go into your room and just lay on the bed unable to sleep. You just lay there lost in a daydream not knowing what time it is.

You then fall asleep.

You wake up and turn towards your alarm and see it's 6 in the morning. You'd only slept for an additional 3 hours. You hopped out of bed and proceeded with your usual schedule. It's now 8 and you proceed to wake Aera up. She groans and says.

Aera: 5 more minutes.

You agree to her request.

You head downstairs and make breakfast. Not sure what Aera likes you just give her what you're having. Cinnamon toast, bacon, and pancakes it had been a while since you last had pancakes anyways so you were alright with this. It had been 30 minutes since your attempt to wake Aera up. 

(Perspective switch)

 You're in bed and you look at your phone and it's 8:30 and you smell something delicious. You proceed to walk downstairs and you see (Y/N) sitting at the table eating, toast, bacon, and pancakes.

Aera: MMM that smells delicious.

(Y/N): If you want some, there's a plate already prepared for you.

Aera: Thank you, but why?

(Y/N): It's your first day here. I might as well be generous and welcome you here with open arms.

(Perspective switches back to the reader)

 You think I guess she likes pancakes. You continue to eat your breakfast. Once you finished you washed your plate and plopped down on the couch. Aera finished her plate and proceeded to wash it. You looked at her fur and saw it's thick. Like the mane is equal to a lion mane. Not only that but it's pitch black, blacker than fresh asphalt. You wonder how it stays like that. You eventually get your mind off of it and continue to watch (show of choice). 

You and Aera walk out the door and head to class. Coincidently you have the same classes as her. So I guess as a dormmate you sit next to her and pay attention to class. Your classes end for the day and you both head back to the dorm and you prepare dinner. Aera stops you.

Aera: Do you need any help?

(Y/N): Nah, I'm good you can do whatever.

You prepare Ramen noodles, boiled eggs, and pork chops for the both of you. You yell for Aera to come downstairs for dinner.


You hear her tumble out of her bed.

Aera:Fu-.... ck .... that hurts.

She says as she groans in pain

(Y/N): Are you alright?

Aera: Yeah, thank you for the food.

She sits on one of the chairs and places the plate on the coffee table. Meanwhile, you sit on the couch and proceed to do the same thing.

(Y/N): So how's the food?

Aera: It's good, how did you get it to be spicy.

(Y/N): Salt and Pepper.

Aera: Oh, so simple yet so good.

She finishes her meal and goes upstairs into her room. She then goes back down. She goes over and grabs a water bottle and goes back upstairs. Probably to watch youtube or something like that on her phone you think to yourself. You turn on the television and watch (Prefered show). You later finish your meal and wash the dishes. You go upstairs to your room and go on (prefered device to game on). You later turn it off after spending 3 hours on (prefered game) doing whatever. You go over to Aera's room and she's sound asleep so you look at your clock and see it's 9:31. Well guess it's time to go to bed you say to yourself. 

You wake up later than usual and you smell breakfast. You get up confused but surprised. You go downstairs and see Aera cooking breakfast.

Aera: Good Morning, there's coffee for you.

She says with a smile on her face.

(Y/N): Thank you.

Aera: You're welcome .

It has only been 3 minutes since you woke up and breakfast is ready. You still don't know what time it is. You look at the clock and see it's 7:00 in the morning.

Aera: Breakfast is ready.

(Y/N): Again thank you.

Aera: You're welcome.

She says again.

You both finish breakfast and you both wash the dishes together and sit on the couch together. You watch tv while she browses around on her phone and turns it off and watches tv with you. You look at the clock and it's now 8:40, 20 minutes until you two have to leave and head to class.

Aera: So what do you wanna talk about?

(Y/N): Idk, I'm guessing you're bored?

Aera: Yeah, I am.

She does something you didn't expect. She scooches over and lays her head on your lap. You blush.

(Y/N): Well I wasn't expecting that.

Aera: Ik

She looks up at you and you look at her. You don't know why but you get this feeling over you. All you know is that you have butterflies in your stomach and your chest feels like it's going to explode. You start breathing heavily and you're feeling dizzy. You can't stop thinking of her and you're getting nervous. Aera does another thing you didn't expect.

Aera: Do you like me?

(Y/N): .... Uhhhhhh....... yeah.

Your flabbergasted, you don't know how to respond.

Aera: Be Honest with me.

(Y/N): I-...... I d-.......... do.

You feel a weight lift off your chest. You had felt something for her before but nothing like this. Aera hugs you, you just start laughing.

Aera: Why are you laughing?

(Y/N): I- I- don't know.

You say while chuckling.

(Y/N): I just feel like it for some reason.

Hey, Redoc here I hope you enjoyed you this page. I had fun on that dream bit and the end of the page.

Seltsame AnwendungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang