The Accident Part 1, Mega Chapter

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"So, how long have you two been dating?", Skylar asks. "Urm, for about a few months or so.", I say. "I think about 3 months.", Aera says. "Ah, that's nice to hear, glad you two are happy.", he says. "So, how about you and Azmyth?", I ask. "Maybe 2-4 months.", he says. "So, how are things in your relationship?", Aera asks. "It's nice, Azmyth is such a nice and sweet person. How about you?", he says. "It's going well, we did have a few bumps at the beginning.", Aera says recollecting what happened 2 months earlier. (Go to chapter 4 or 5 to learn more.)

"Oh, that's sad to hear. But happy it's going better.", he says. "Yeah, my dad has forsaken me. I'll never forgive him.", I say. "Let's forget about that, it was in the past.", Aera says grabbing my shoulder and comforting me. "But how can I hurt you?", I ask. "I don't know, but I'm sure he meant no harm.", She says. "But, but, oh whatever.", I say. "Come on, let's just watch tv and relax.", she says. "Alright, love.", I say.

Another few hours later.

"I think we should go, it's getting late.", I say. "But I still feel like shit, I'm sure you do too. It would be best if you don't drive.", she says concerned. "No, we need to go.", I say getting up. "Y/N...", she says, giving a sad look. "Fine, but we're leaving tomorrow.", I say. "Alright, if you say so.", she says getting up and heading to the bathroom.

"So, does anyone want dinner?", Skylar asks, walking into the room. "I would.", I say, "Sure.", Azmyth says. Aera walks out of the bathroom. "How about you Aera?", Skylar asks, "What are we talking about?", she asks. "Do you want dinner?", Skylar asks. "Yes, of course.", Aera says sitting back down on the couch.

"Dinner it is.", He says, going to the kitchen and getting some pots, pans, and bowls out. He gets some ramen noodles and begins frying them, (Insert FRIED NOODLES by Pink Guy/Joji if you want). He gets some broth and spices, Pepper, Salt, Garlic, that sort of stuff. He turns down the stove temperature to slow the frying and gets some pork chops on. He begins cooking those.

*30 minutes of cooking pork chops and slowly frying Ramen*

He had finished and began cutting the meat into small pieces and getting some glass bowls out. He pours some ramen into each and puts the Pork chops in. He stirs them around a bit and it's finished. He hands each of us a plate and we begin eating. "It's really good.", I say, "Agreed", Azmyth and Aera say. "Thank you, I put a lot of work into it.", Skylar says sitting down with his bowl.

*Another 30 minutes later.*

We all finish and put our plates up. We were full and all lay on the couch or chairs, whatever you were able to sit on, you were going to sit there. Aera just sat on my lap, real nice, just great. Skylar and Azmyth laughed at us. I didn't mind though, Aera wasn't a stranger, in fact, my lover. So it wasn't much of a big deal. Aera had the smuggest look on her face though, maybe she had something in mind, who knows. She gets off and sits down next to me instead of on me. She lays her head on my shoulder and I kiss her on the forehead. "Love you Aera.", I say, "Love you too.", she responds.

*Another time skip* (Damn having a lot of these today, I wonder why?)

I had been browsing youtube for the past two hours while Aera watched along. I turned off my phone and stood up. I then headed outside for a quick walk, it was a cold mid-fall day, so not that many people were outside. Though, before I went out, I asked Aera if she wanted to join, she said no and I just went out without thinking twice. I put my earbuds on and put my playlist on shuffle, the first song was "The Ballad of Hamantha" by Jack Stauber.

When you stepped out, it was cold and bitter. It was also very cloudy, it looked depressing outside. You sighed and began walking through the street. Every once and awhile there would be someone passing by, but you ignored them. Not like there would be an interesting conversation anyway. You looked up, it looked like it might rain, but it didn't. The whole time you were out there, it didn't rain or snow. Which was somewhat of a relief to you.

"God, it's really depressing out here.", you think after sighing. You turn around and began walking back. A breeze passes by you, it was very frigid and chilly and you shivered at the sensation. It was the same walking back, people passing every once in a while. You arrive back at the house and knock on the door. They answer and let you in.

"How was your walk?", Skylar asks. "It was fine but depressing, very gloomy.", you said as you sit down next to Aera on the couch. "Oh, well, sounds like it would be. There's supposed to be a snowstorm next week.", Skylar says sitting down in the chair across from you two. You look up at the clock and see that it's 4:49 PM. You sigh, "Well, a better time than ever for a walk.", you say whilst slightly chuckling. "Yeah, but it's too cold and cloudy. Plus, you just took one.", Aera says. "Yeah, I was just commenting.", you say.

Skylar gets up out of his chair and walks to the stairs, "I'm going to take a nap, is that fine with you guys?", he asks. "Of course, we don't mind.", Aera says. "Yeah, we could care less.", I say. Azmyth is just sitting there looking out the window with her head on her palm. "Yeah, that's fine.", she says sounding bored.

*A few hours later*

A few hours passed it was boring as hell here. It was getting late You, Aera, and Azmyth were getting a little tired. Always stretching and yawning, your eyes were droopy and heavy. You yawn one more time, "Hey, I'm going to bed.", you say as you stand up from the couch. Aera stands up with you and follows. You walk up the stairs with her and eventually down to the guest room.

You walk in, it was dark and a little cold, "Nothing that Aera's fur can't fix", you think, you then chuckle at that thought. You take off your shirt and hop into bed. Aera soon follows, she then cuddles up to you. You throw the covers over you and her, you both then call it a night. Like always, you end up in the field of dreams you call "Dreamland".

Like always, you two hung out and talked to each other. It was peaceful, the soft orchestra playing in the background and the calm wind was relaxing. You could stay there with her forever... forever. You turn your back on Aera for a second and look back, she had disappeared. "Odd.", you think to yourself. All of a sudden, the whiteish pink and blue sky turn crimson, and the clouds turn black. You stand up and can't, the field disappears. You later appear in a car. You look in front of you, the windshield was shattered and there was Aera. She wasn't moving and looked lifeless. You unbuckle your seatbelt and slowly climb out towards her.

You arrive at her body and you roll it over. You were horrified, her skull-like face was caved in and shattered with pieces of grey matter and flesh stung about. Her face was unrecognizable and it was heavily disfigured. You drop her and jump back even though you can't move your legs. You begin panting, sweating, and wheezing, "Aera no!", you yell at the top of your lungs.

(It was taking so long to write this chapter, that I'm going to split it into three chapters.)

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