The Queen/ Getting to Know Each Other Part 2

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Time stopped for a bit. You two wake up simultaneously staring at each other.

(Y/N): So you were gonna tell me what you are.

Aera: Oh, shit it was actually you. Well, I might as well.

The anticipation for you was worthy of popcorn but you had none on hand.

Aera: I'm the-

Author: And, time for a commercial break we'll be back after the following.

Aera/(Y/N): Hey were in the middle of something

Author: I'm the Author I can do as I please.

Aera/(Y/N): Can we please go back to what we were doing.

Author: Fine, but only cause you said please.

Aera/(Y/N): Thank you

Aera: I'm the Queen of The Tridatdary. At this time and moment on the planet of Andorra and Thebes.

(Y/N): On the planet? As In your race being able to deep space travel?

Aera: Precisely, also don't worry we're not here to conquer the place or anything. It would take thousands of people from kingdoms and countries being owned by a downloader. Plus the Aetheral Queen made it impossible to kill a downloader and still be on Earth.

(Y/N): So, I can't be killed by you?

Aera: Basically, you can't be killed period.

(Y/N): That's a relief. So, queen your......... queen. Why are you here?

Aera: I was on break but then you came in, I don't really don't mind it though.

(Y/N): Well, might as well make breakfast.

You step out of bed and let Aera rest for a bit longer and like any other day you go on with your daily routine. You walk downstairs to the kitchen and prepare breakfast. You hear a knock on the door. You open it and see the principal at the door. A chill goes down your back and you wake straight up. You're unsure about what's going to happen as she isn't the nicest or meanest person. She then speaks.

Principal, Weaver: So, it has come to my attention that there has been a recent rise in what we call "sapientes lupus" also known as Wise Wolf. It has been reported that you have one in your possession and that she does go to school here. And that you two are very close. Is that correct?

(Y/N): Err..... Yeah...

Principal Weaver: If that is the case we would like you two to attend a... how do I put it..... A special class. Wherefrom our current understanding of their anatomy is taught to the both of you. I hope you'll be attending the class on Monday.

(Y/N): Alright, have a nice day.

Principal, Weaver: Actually, where is she?

(Y/N): Still in bed, I'm preparing breakfast for her.

Principal: Okay, you two have a nice day.

You go back to preparing breakfast and eventually Aera wakes up. You finish making breakfast and you get Aera's plate and give it to her and she starts chowing down. She seemed to be enjoying it. You sit down on the couch opposite side of her. You turn on the tv to watch the news only to see something that surprised the two of you. The top headline was "Bipedal Wolves being integrated into society". You turn to each other.

The both of you: It's ok for us to be us,

Aera: I guess I can notify the kingdom and my allies.

Erin: Can I join you?

Aera: Of course you can.

All of a sudden what looks to be a void of nothingness appears. Aera grabs your hand and you jump in with her. She tries to speak but the noise is too loud for you to hear anything so you just cover your ears. After what felt like another lifetime you appeared in a grand hall. Something you'd see in a fantasy comic. You look around in aw.

Aera: So welcome to the Grand Hall, oh there's my throne.

You see her run over to an Ivory and Gold throne. Something of true wealth and beauty. She looks over to a (presumably) man in some heavy armor, something you'd see in fallout's power armor.

Aera: Oh, hey there O'mera

He takes off the helmet and begins to speak.

O'mera: Oh hey Aera, It's been a while where have you been?

Aera: Spending time with someone you should meet. O'mera meet (Y/N), (Y/N) meet O'mera.

(Y/N)/O'mera: Hi nice to meet you.

Aera starts giggling in the background at the fact you both simultaneously said the same thing. After a short conversation between the three of you, you and Aera leave.

Aera: So want me to show you around?

(Y/N): Sure, the sky looks beautiful.

You both started walking into town and went to an assortment of places. Things like Cafes, Retail, etc. You finally make it to a map in the middle of the town.

Aera: So where do you wanna go?

(Y/N): How about the forest? It seems like it would be a beautiful place to see.

Aera: It is beautiful.

She agrees and you both walk to the woods. It was full of flora. Every once and a while there would be someone else and we'd talk to them. We both left and went back to the palace. When we get there to see what seems to be what I assume to be her advisor standing at the door.


Aera: Sorry I got a downloader, and we've been bonding.


Aera: No, like getting to know each other, like to learn about each other.

Her voice began to calm.

???: Oh, sorry when do we meet him or is it a her?

Aera: Actually he's here with me.

You were hiding behind a bush. Scared at the person yelling at Aera. You slowly get up and turn around.

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