Reader's Family/GKEO PRT 4

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Conjuring gossip about whos a school shooter. Which was fun and worried you a bit. So, you stop and she agrees. You both were bored asking each other what you wanna do and the both of you couldn't come up with something. You both go upstairs and go take a nap. It wasn't that long, probably an hour or two. You still didn't know what to do. Maybe mow the lawn as the grass was getting long or maybe visit your parents. You decide to visit your parents as long as Aera wants to do so.

(Y/N): So, wanna visit my parents?

Aera: Sure, it'd be nice to meet them.

(Y/N): Alright it's decided.

Aera: When are we meeting them?

(Y/N): Today, if that's ok with you.

Aera: Yeah that'd be fine. I hope they like me.

(Y/N): I hope so too.

You get some stuff together meanwhile Aera gets some more appropriate clothing on. Mainly because wearing pajamas in public isn't the smartest or appropriate thing to do. So after that, you get in the car and wait for Aera. She walks out of the front door and gets into the passenger side. You turn on some music and back out of the driveway. It was probably a 30-minute ride. You arrive and pull into the driveway and park. You were probably gonna stay for an hour or so, you weren't sure it depended on how long you were going to talk with them. Since they were your family they'd probably overcompensated with dinner or something like that. You walk in with Aera only to be met with a big hug.

Mrs,(L/N): Hey, been a while.

She was happy to see you, it had been at least a few months since you went over to chat so it explained a lot.

Aera: Hello, Mrs, Braun how are you.

Mrs,(L/N): I'm...... good.

You could see she was a bit frustrated. Probably at the fact you were dating an anthro wolf.

Mrs,(L/N): So, how long have you been... dating.

Aera/(Y/N): Nearly a month.

Your father comes downstairs with a look of anger and distraught. He wasn't pleased with the fact that Bipedal Wolves were being integrated into society. Especially that one was in his house but he kept his cool. He actually calmed down after a bit, cracking jokes every once and awhile. You stand up and make dinner as it looked like you were gonna stay for a few hours. Eventually, stuff slowed down, they were watching the news and stuff like that. Talking about the events that were on the headlines voicing their opinions. It was a relief that they were getting along. What scared you was the dirty jokes your dad was pulling. You were on the same page as Aera. It was fucked up and didn't sit that well. But dinner was done and it was time to eat. Handing the plates to your family and Aera.

(Y/N): I had to bring this up. But please stop with the dirty jokes.

Aera: Yeah, It's making me uncomfortable and I know Erin sees that. So please stop.

Mr.(L/N): Oh please, you're a dog, how are you supposed to know what dirty jokes are?

Aera took offense to that, it looked like it hurt her, you could see a tear form.

Aera: Well if you think that of me then you're a beast that shouldn't exist.

She walks out the door to the car crying. You follow her so you can comfort her.

(Y/N): I'm sorry about what he said. I don't know what's up with him. We should go.

Aera: Yeah, we should go.

You leave and head to the dorm. You lay on the couch comforting her. She was really heartbroken. You were mad but you didn't know what to do. Leaving them and never fixing it wouldn't work; it would cause more pain. It was wrong of him to say and act that way. At least mom kept herself together. It's best if you two went to bed. You cuddled up to her comforting her. You didn't want that to happen again. The only one who could be forgiven would be your mother. She out of all people kept her cool. You were in the field, this time it was storming. The cherry tree was no longer blooming. Aera was there sitting against the tree as if nothing was happening. She looks up at you and there's still tears in her eyes. You went over to her and she popped up and hugged you tightly. You hugged her back but her bear-like hug was strangling you a bit.

Aera: So, you're here. Sorry, still sad about what your dad said.

(Y/N): It's alright, you can express yourself. I'm still angry at him. What he did was and is unnecessary. But I'm here for you.

She pulls you down against the floor. You let it happen, she grunted when you landed on her chest. But she was fine, you two laid there staring at each other for the rest of the time spent there that night. Waking up she looked and probably felt better. You were getting used to that dream field. The place was peaceful most of the time besides last night. You two lay there for a bit, staring at the ceiling was getting boring. So you got up and made breakfast. Good as always you both thought.

(Y/N): So, what do you wanna do today?

Aera: Not sure, how about you?

(Y/N): I'm not sure either. I guess we could just do something. Like I still have the costume and electronics to do.

Aera: Yeah, you should go do that. I might sit outside and look at things.

(Y/N): Alright, I might be done with the fabrics in a few hours.

A few hours passed you had finished the fabrics and some of the electronics. It was probably the early afternoon. You went back upstairs and saw Aera laying on the couch watching tv. It was another boring Sunday. Nothing to do and nowhere to go.

Author's Note: I'm sorry that this took a while to get out. I didn't feel motivated to write and I had a block. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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