The Costume/Getting To Know Each Other Part 3

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You give a worried face as you don't like being yelled at that much.

???: Hello, I'm Aera's advisory Synthia.

(Y/N): Hi Synthia, how are you?

Synthia: I'm good, slightly frustrated that Aera hasn't been here for the past 4 months. But besides that I'm good. Now, how about you?

(Y/N): Good, kinda scared because of the way you were yelling at Aera. But in general, I'm good.

Synthia: Sorry, did I go a bit far?

(Y/N)/Aera: Yes, yes you did.

Synthia: I'll try to be more self-conscious and not yell at you next time Aera.

Aera: Your apology has been accepted.

Synthia: Thank you for accepting the apology. Now there are many things we have to discuss.

After walking into the castle Aera stops you and tells you to wait outside of what looked like a war room. So you agree and wait outside on one of the chairs outside the room. Every once and a while someone would walk by. Not much happened, you were just lost in your thoughts. Ranting to yourself about random things. Finally, she walks out.

Aera: So you wanna go to my room?

(Y/N): Sure

Aera: Alright let's go.

She walks you to an elevator and presses the button for the 5th floor. You two walk out of the elevator and walk down a long hallway to her room. You walk into a very well maintained room. Basic white paint for the walls. She lays down on the bed while you sit down on a chair. You spark up a conversation. A question stopped her in her tracks.

(Y/N): So where are your parents?


She takes a while to respond.

Aera: So remember that part when I said all I remember was that I grew up in some facility.

(Y/N): Yeah

Aera: That was where I lived, it was my room. Constantly being tested on and taught stuff. Like your schools just I was the only one in class and I was bleak and bland. I was miserable. I loved my parents, they were so nice and loving. They went out on a trip and they never came back. Presumingly missing. I didn't know a thing until coronation. I was only 13. I felt lost and confused and for the past 7 years, I've been Queen. Being taught how to behave or just being a queen in general.

(Y/N): Oh, sorry I didn't know.

Aera: It's fine I've moved on. At least I have you and my friends. Anyways you wanna go back?

(Y/N): Your choice.

Aera: You know what, your place is nice. Let's sleep there, I just need to leave a note.

After finishing the note she popped open a void and we both hopped in. Again still loud, but just so you don't let go of her you hold onto her hand. You make it back to the dorm. Nothing had changed, you'd expect since it was a void that air pressure would drop to be the same as the void and would start moving around. But no, disregarding everything learned in physics.

(Y/N): I was expecting this room to be more destroyed. You know with the void and all.

Aera: Eh, It's only open for a few milliseconds after we hopped through so It wouldn't have caused anything major. So we're fine. Wanna sit on the couch and lay there?

(Y/N): Well it is a Saturday so sure.

Aera: Don't you have stuff to study?

(Y/N): No, I'm all caught up. I can rest or do whatever.

Aera: Oh wait you have to make the mask and stuff like that.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, photos?

Aera: Yes, cheese.

After taking a few pictures you place your phone on the coffee table and sit on the couch with Aera. She does a power move and lays on top of you. It was more comfortable than you thought. Her fur was soft, like clouds. (Before you get any Ideas you two just laid there nothing lewd here you horny mother fuckers.). God knows how many hours you two laid there like that. But you two went to bed sometime around 10. Sleeping together again, It was more relaxing than last night. Being in the same field staying with Aera. Laying there cuddled up together enjoying the sky. The clouds were whiter than snow. This time the sky was a peach-like color as if the sun was going down. Like it would be night soon you both grew tired, and you knew what was coming next. You both wake up around 8. But still laid there, enjoying your time together. Of course one of you had to break that and do their schedule this time it was the both of you. Doing stuff like a pair, not letting each other out of arm's reach. Unless it was a shower, at least you two kept common decency when it came to privacy. While Aera did here show you cooked breakfast.

(Switch Perspective)

You exit the shower and get dressed. You smell something good and you wonder what (Y/N) is making. You head downstairs and see (Y/N) there still cooking. He finishes and gives you your plate and you eat together. Like always you enjoy it. Not only the food but the time you spend with (Y/N). You felt better around him. You felt like without him you'd be a garbled mess without meaning or significance, despite you being the leader of a kingdom.

(Perspective changes back to Reader)

She seems happy like a dog seeing its owner walk through the door after a long day of work. Though then again she is an anthropomorphic wolf. You chuckle at the thoughts in your head. You both have your breakfast, washing the dishes like always. You two start a conversation.

Aera: So, I'm going to the kingdom wanna join?

(Y/N): No, I got to start work on the costume.

Aera: Alright I'll be back in a few.

She opens a void and hops through and it disappears. You go downstairs to the printing and modeling room starting work on the mask. After a few hours of modeling the upper part of the mask, you turn on the printer and head upstairs to browse your phone and watch television. You see a void appear and Aera hop through. She ran over and gave a long hug. You hug her back sitting there for what felt like forever. She finally let's go.

Aera: Hey, what's that noise?

(Y/N): Oh, it's the printer, I finished modeling the top part of the mask.

Aera: Oh, can I see how it's coming along?

(Y/N): Yeah

You walk her downstairs to the room. She turns into a beaming ray of sunshine.


(Y/N): Thank you

She looks at it with intrigue and curiosity. You both walk upstairs and just hang out.

Author Note: If you see the name Erin tell me. I usually don't get all of the changed to "(Y/N)". Also, Erin is the original name.

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