1: お誕生日おめでとうございます

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"Things are not always what they seem, (Y/n)

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"Things are not always what they seem, (Y/n). Looks can be deceiving so you cannot always trust what you see. The world is filled with secrets that people cannot begin to fathom and our family is doing everything to protect you."

He cannot meet her eyes, her wide, glossy eyes, rivering down her blushing cheeks were tears of ache and confusion. It was all too much to bear, so he bowed his head. There isn't much time left. He must go.


His eyes, his guilty, teary, pain-filled eyes, finally searched within the depths of (Y/n)'s windows to the soul, somehow trying to fill himself in those innocent (eye color) irises, hoping he would not go away. Sadly, in reality, he cannot be there for her much longer. He cupped her wet cheeks and using his thumbs, he wiped her tears away.

"I love you so much, (Y/n), just like your mother did."

Without another word, he pressed his trembling lips on her forehead, marking his last presence of affection to his only daughter. Closing his eyes, he felt her small hands tightly wrap around his wrists and heard her broken voice.

"Please don't go."

Yet he did the opposite. He held the kiss longer than he intended, then silently detached himself from her. He walked away from the sobbing child with an alien gun in hand and a determined look on his face.

And he never looked back.



Her eyes snapped up from the sound of her name. She craned her neck from the locker to find the one who called out to her.

"Sorry, O'Neil. I was zoning out again."

So it was April O'Neil. One of the top students in Roosevelt High, who is thankfully humble about it. Popular for her mathematical genius, as so she tutors other students for extra credit, also popular for her confidence. How she became friends with dull, friendless (Y/n), she will never know.

April O'Neil's sky blue eyes were tainted with worry as her dark brows furrowed, her math book cradled in her arms and her feet standing ground. "You've been zoning out for like 5 minutes."

Of course (Y/n) would get embarrassed, who wouldn't? Standing and staring at nothing for minutes is very concerning. But she couldn't help it. Today is the anniversary.

"I was thinking about something. No biggie." She smiled. That's what she always does whenever she felt anything but happy. She just smiles.

April was, without a doubt, doubtful. Her frown deepened. "Are you sure? Is there something on your mind?"

Ah, the cost of being a friend; able to tell if there is ever something wrong. Why is the O'Neil so good about it? Either that or (Y/n)'s acting skills were starting to lose touch.

But she couldn't keep it anymore. She can't keep hiding from her senior, especially when she trusted her wholeheartedly. Maybe being a year younger than the ginger has its disadvantages after all.

"There is always something on my mind," (Y/n) smirked. "But there will be a time when I'm ready to tell you all of it."

April understands. She didn't press it any further. Of course she understands. She had another secret life as well. But her friend didn't know that. Maybe there will be a time she would tell everything, too.

Then the bell rang.

She patted her (hair color) friend's shoulder and smirked back. "We better hurry to History class before Mr. Guanzon beats us to it."


"-Happy birthday to you~!"

She blew out the candles that carved out the number 15 on a plain vanilla frosted cake. I'm finally fifteen. Exactly five years after the incident. (Y/n) heard vigorous clapping right after the flames went out.

"My baby is growing up so fast, I can barely keep up!"

(Y/n) grinned. "Thanks, Auntie. Though still not fast enough."

Her smile faltered almost unnoticeably but it was still caught by her Aunt's hawk eyes. She knew the meaning behind her niece's words, yet she chose not to dwell on it. She promised herself not to be negative again on this day. On her niece's birthday.

"I'll cut the cake for you, hun. Go ease up on the couch and I'll bring you a slice." It was exactly what (Y/n) wanted. Just to be by herself on a couch while eating her pain away.

"Please and thank you." This time she dropped her facade. She had no one to pretend to. At the same time, she also felt bad for leaving this detail to her red-headed friend. She bet she would throw her a birthday party with other friends she hung out with. (Y/n) thought she was flamboyant like that.

But she isn't. Why did she ever think of that in the first place? They had become friends long enough to know April is better than that. Great, she felt guilty now. The air inside the apartment suddenly felt suffocating.

"I'll go outside for some fresh air." (Y/n) never waited for a reply and climbed up the fire escape. When her Aunt emerged from the kitchen, she wasn't surprised to see her niece already off, and can only sigh.

"Be careful hun."

(Y/n) did not hear her. She was already at the rooftop, her leg dangling down the edge of the building and the other bent to support her leaning head. The sight of the bright, green lights of New York could not even cheer her up.

Wait, green lights?

Next thing she knew, one of the same lights she saw over the city had shattered on her head.

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