Chapter 19

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A/N: time to bounce over to Miruko and Endeavor (that assfuck...) and everyone else who'll play some role but I'm too lazy to include their names!!

8:00 pm: "Miruko." Endeavor grabbed her arm as she passed and dragged her to his office. "What? Is something wrong?" She looked both confused and irritated. "Yes." Endeavor let go of her, closing the door behind them. "I got a report from Hawks. Said they're planning on bringing a building down, but we aren't sure on when that's gonna happen." Miruko stared at Endevor for a moment, shaking her head slowly in an attempt to let the information sink in. "That was left field central not gonna lie." Miruko sighed. "I'm gonna ask you to get some people together and-" "Shit." Endeavor paused as Miruko stood suddenly. Her eyes were wide. "They might be targeting the hotel." Endeavor frowned. "Unlikely. They'd be risking blowing their location since Hawks could just fly in the direction the cane from. Also, didn't you say his friend was there? I remember those two being pretty attached to each other. There's no way Hawks would've not gotten him out of there after hearing that information. He'd be putting his childhood friend at risk." Miruko shook her head. "Hawks has a lot of information. There's no way they'll let him just come on over and tell us what's going on. They got what they needed and now they can just dispose of him no problem. Plus, they wouldn't give a damn about Hawks' friend." Endeavor stood. "But the information he gave was false. Right?" Miruko shook her head. "Yes. It's false, but they don't know that. Hawks is damn good at lying. He could make some of the most outrageous things seem sensible with enough imagination." Miruko started to the door of the office. "Wait!" Endeavor stood. "We still don't know what we're walking into." Miruko turned, a glare tugging the corners of her mouth. "Look." He continued before she could speak. "I..." He searched for his words, clearly trying avoid a repeat of that morning. "...understand you care about him. But if we send people in there blind, there's gonna be chaos." Miruko took a breath trying to keep herself from bolting out of the room towards her friend. "We already know that the hotel could be a target. So could Hawks. We know which villains are there right now. We can get him out of there." Endeavor sighed. "Not without looking suspicious, we can't. Let him now that he needs to get out of there ASAP." He paused. "And tell him he's on his own for this one." Miruko sighed, worry forcing its way to the surface. "I'm not losing him. If he doesn't respond within an hour, I'm going in. Deal?" Endeavor knew he wouldn't win. She was gonna go in even if he said no, and he knew there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. "...Deal." Miruko nodded and left.

~time skip cause plot and character development needs to hurry the fuck up~

9:00 pm: "Miruko. Where are you going?" Aizawa stopped, noticing she was in a bit of a panic, and turned to follow her. "Long story short... to get Hawks. He could be in danger." She stopped as he slid in front of her. "What?" Aizawa wasn't one for caring much about his coworker's conversations and opinions, but their well-being was a different issue. "The mission he was sent on. He's become a possible target and we need to get him out of there." Miruko tried passing Aizawa, but it didn't work. "Explain." Miruko glared at him, but he remained expressionless. "If nothing's happened so far, nothing will happen in the next few minutes. Explain." Miruko glared at him again. His face didn't change. She sighed, her aggrivation and worry bubbling over. "He was sent in to get information. He sent a report an hour ago saying there was a plan to blow up some building. We're worried it's gonna be the hotel they're in since they can't let Hawks just leave with what he now knows. They think his information was valid. There's nothing stopping them. Aizawa move!! I need to get him outta there!!!" Miruko's eyes started tearing. Aizawa looked concerned for the first time. "You're really worried." He sighed sadly, and shook his head. "I can't let you go." Miruko's eyes widened. "W-why not?" "It'll raise suspicion. You know that. We don't have enough information. I know you care but-" Aizawa was cut off as Miruko slapped him. Hard. "YOU'RE JUST LIKE ENDEAVOR!!!" Miruko cried. "HAWKS IS IN DANGER AND NO ONE'S DOING ANYTHING TO HELP HIM!!!" She pounded Aizawa's chest as he pulled her into a hug. Present Mic appeared, and quickly shooed everyone away as he realized what was happening. (When someone's bawling their eyes out and someone else is hugging 'em, give 'em privacy) "Hawks?" Mic mouthed and sighed as Aizawa nodded. "Miruko. Hawks' gonna be fine. That bastard's capable of handling himself." Miruko looked up at Mic, tears sliding down her cheeks. "His friend is there with him. He'll be slowed down. I don't wanna... I can't lose him. He-" Miruko stopped as a familiar smell seemed to settle around her. Aizawa looked up at Midnight in slight surprise. "I heard what was going on. She won't be thinking rationally in this state. Having her rush in in a panic is going to do more harm than good." Aizawa sighed as he picked her up and placed her in a nearby chair. "Fine." He said, turning to Mic, who seemed a bit irritated at the mess he had walked into. "She'll be fine. So will Hawks. He's far from incapable. Endeavor might be an obnoxious prick, but he's not completely heartless. He does what he thinks is best. He probably told Hawks that he'll be on his own for right now until we can safely find a way of getting him out." Midnight said as Aizawa slid into a chair across from Miruko. "Just go back to work." He muttered. "I'll be here to deal with the brunt of it when she wakes up." Mic nodded and started off. "Oh..." Aizawa turned before Mic entered his office as Midnight rounded the corner and disappeared own the hall. "If I catch you looking at fan art of us again, you'll be sleeping outside for a week. Got it?" Mic slumped as a mischevious grin grew on his face. "But erasermic... YEET!" He slid into his room before a pillow slammed into the wall where his head would've been. "I hope you're wrong Miruko." Aizawa sighed. "If so, you're getting a mandatory vacation. This is too much stress for someone like you." He got up to get the pillow, and sat back down with it in hand. "Dealing with mountains of stress is my job. I mean, I'm stuck with someone like Mic." Aizawa sat in silence for a while, and finally dozed off. He was later awakened by a loud bang.

11:00 pm - Aizawa jerked up as the office door down the hall slammed open, and Midnight came racing to him. "The hotel!" She was shaking. "It's gone up in flames!! The whole thing came down!!! Hawks was there!!!" Aizawa jumped up and they ran down the hall towards the main entrance and were soon in the street. Giant pillars of smoke rose from a electric blue glow from the other side of the city. (The hotel was pretty big, and flames are bright, and other weird anime logic on how a burning building is visible from the other side of a city that I'm not gonna explain cause anime logic skills.) Aizawa was completely focused on the glow, and didn't notice Miruko slip past him and race towards it. "MIRUKO WAIT!!!" Midnight cried and ran after her, her heals slamming into the ground as she went. She went to tear a part of her suit to put Miruko to sleep, but she was to far away and the wind wasn't in her favor. Aizawa ran past her, motioning to her that he'd get Miruko back. He ran, eventually coming across the hotel in enough time to see Miruko run into the flames. Dammit kid. Aizawa shook his head as he slowed down, knowing he'd be unable to help her in a building that was already crumbling to the ground. In a few minutes, fire trucks were pouring water all over the rubble, and Aizawa slid in when the fire had gone down enough. He looked around, calling Miruko's name. He got worried as he heard no response. His blood ran cold as he heard a wail and sobbing, realizing it was Miruko's. He ran towards the sound and soon found her rocking back and forth clutching something in her hands. She was next to pile of blood, feathers, and ash. Her legs were a horrendous sight, with skin beginning to boil as the heat from flames melted the skin. "Oh no." Aizawa whispered, looking away from the gorey sight and focusing back on Miruko's face. Rage burned in her eyes. HE'S DEAD!! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" She moved her hand, revealing a broken photo of Hawks and what looked like a small Todoroki holding hands. Aizawa flinched away from the hatred that engulfed Miruko's voice, before turning and leaving, having nothing to say that would comfort her. He was met with a tight hug from Mic. "She's right." Aizawa felt tears slide down his cheeks as flashes of Shirakumo flooded into his head, but he didn't register that he was crying. "N-not again...I killed him. I should've let her go. I killed him. I killed him. I-" Mic traced circles in his back. "You didn't know. Was the hotel a target? Yes. But Toga and Dabi were in there too. This place would've been too obvious. They've always set things up that way. We had no way of knowing they'd actually do this. You were trying to keep her safe. It's not your fault." Aizawa slumped to the ground, and Mic slid down with him. Aizawa didn't move as people passed, and Mic stayed with him the whole time. But the thought stayed in his head, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how much he tried. I killed him. I killed him. I killed him. I killed him....

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