ఌ Thank You! ఌ (15)

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As the title states... THANK YOU!

Thank you everyone who has helped me grow this much, everyone who has kept me writing and everyone who has been so friendly to me since I've written stories!

Big thanks to Rhykianna thistle-and-weeds Derpy_wulf xEijirou

Everyone here has helped and inspired me so much! I love you all dearly , even if I don't know you well. You all mean so much to me-and I'm sending my love to you. ❤️

Thank you for over 800+ Reads on my first book and now 200+ on my second! It means the world to me <3

Remember, it's a small world, it's a short life.  Live everyday to its fullest, and always keep a smile on your face. You deserve the world.

"Distance means so little when someone means so much" - Unknown



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