✰ thirteen

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he smiled at the strict librarian and proceeded to the shelves where he will stack the books that he is holding for a long time. but before that, he made a last glance at jaemin, who is heading to the other side of the library. but it doesn't mean that jaemin just passed by at him. the younger smiled at him and continue his own business.

once again, he felt his cheeks were burning. he quickly shook his head and tightly shut his eyes. composing his self first, before he start to stack the books at the specific place.

finally, he did some stretching first and after that he started to do his task.

often, he will glance at jaemin who is looking so busy and dedicating his whole life from arranging the books. he would sometimes chuckle, only for the librarian to glare at him. so he just stayed behave and continue what he is doing.

after placing the fourth book in the shelf, he  sigh tiredly and took the last book that he will stack. he look at the title of the book and find where it belongs.

he first started at the bottom of the shelf. seeing that its not the right row, he continued finding it until he finally found.

he happily cheered because of happiness and hugged the book, "bye my dear friend." he dramatically said and face the shelf.

and then it hits him. that the last book that he will put was needed to be placed at the highest row of the shelf. he tried tiptoeing but he failed. but he is renjun huang, he is determined to place the book even though he can't.

he tried and tried and tried attempting to reach the highest shelf but he's failed. the only thing that runs in his mind was to ask for help. to jaemin of course. but he can't help to frown, knowing that he can't swallow his pride. "i really wish that jeno is here." clicking his tounge, he tried again to reach the highest row of the shelf.

he can just ask casually jaemin to help him but remembering the scene inside the classroom made him lose his all confidence. him, became flustered at jaemin's front. also his cheeks were obviously burning, turning into a crimson one. there's no way that jaemin didn't saw it. and so, it made him frowned.

unfortunately for him, jeno was not on the same class with him. his boyfriend needs to finish his group works with the other graduating students. also, he cannot use the chairs because the librarian is inside.

renjun pouted as he tried his tenth attempt. "i will put this on that shelf without asking for help, especially jaemin." he whispered and tiptoed again just to place the last book at the higher place of the book shelf.

on his eleventh attempt, he gave up. placing the book on top of the table as he sat on the chair, pouting and soon, will probably cry, "is my height is not enough?" he sulk and buried his face in his hands, covering it in annoyance.

"hey, renjun." jaemin, who is now done with his task, went to the sulking boy to check on him.

but renjun was busy being sulky so he didn't notice jaemin. "i am tall. but why can't i reach that?"

hearing the older's rant, jaemin chuckled and look at the thick book on the table. seeing the title made him look at the highest row of the shelf.

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