Chapter 19

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Tomorrow's the prefectural tournament!! I ripped the previous sheet off our countdown clipboard, "Listen up party people, we're down to the wire." Kou begins, "District, that means plenty of beauty sleep you got it. We'll meet in front of registration at 8AM sharp come late and we'll end you. Are we ready!" I grin, "Oh yeah! We've got this one in the bag! Even got ourselves some awesome matching swimsuits!" Nagisa and Rei go back to back, "Yeah we did, how about we go through the programme one more time guys. First day of district will be individual races, Second's relay, for individual looks like we've got Nagisa on 100 metre breaststroke, Rei on 100 metre butterfly, Haru on the 100 and 200 metre freestyle and for me, I've got the 100 backstroke and 200 metre freestyle." Mako explains, "Let me get something, if you're doing the 200 metre freestyle why aren't you doing the 100 metre with Haru too?" Miss A walks over, "Cause he'll kick my butt I need the laps just to stay on him," Mako chuckles, "Yeah right, someone's being awfully modest come on Mako, you've been training so hard, I'm sure you'll give Haru a run for his money," I slap his back, "I think it'll take a lot more than that to beat Haru I think the 200 metre will be more my speed." Mako smiles.

"It sure is beautiful here isn't it?" I was walking up with Rin to his father's grave by the top of the cliff by the sea, I put the bouquet of flowers by the stone while Rin lit the incense and put my hands together, Rin closed his eyes, I felt the sea breeze flow through our hair, after a few minutes we both opened our eyes, "Let's go," Rin looks down at me, I nod, "You need to head back yet? You still need to round up your team, after all, you are team captain now," I smiled and kissed his lips, "It's not a problem," He smiles, "Well, we're out old man," Rin looks at the stone, "See you soon Mr Matsuoka," I bowed, "If only you could see your son compete now, you'd be so proud of him." I felt tears prickle and my voice cracked, "Aw come here," Rin opened his arms, I flopped into his chest, "He'd be so proud of you," I sniffed and rubbed my face into his tracksuit, "Same for you, he always did say that you were the one for me. He said you were the only one who could keep my gears in check and to actually shut me up." He strokes my hair, "Well let's say that the old man's alway's gotta be right." He chuckles, I rubbed my eyes and cuddled closer.

"So is anyone else flashing back to last Summer? This is gonna be awesome!" Nagisa looks at the registration tent at district, "Last year I was so nervous I could barely function, but this time it's a different story! This time I'm in the best shape of my life!" Rei touches his glasses and puffs his chest our proudly, "Looks like someone finally grew some hair on their chest," Nagisa laughs, "You're disgusting! I'm sure if I did have hair on my chest that I'd shave it." Rei retaliates, "Hey guys, we're over here!" We turned and saw Kou, Miss A and Coach Sasabe. "Good morning everyone," We walked up to them, "Good morning, nice to see you." Miss A had her trademark umbrella already up, "Hope you're ready, I'll be cheering for ya." Coach gives a thumbs up, "Good morning Sir." We turned and saw Samezuka, "Wait Mikoshiba's back?" I cock my head, "Yeah, I thought he graduated already," Rei rubs his glasses, Mikoshiba did something to annoy Momo and he drove his fist into Momo's head, they looked our way, "Kou! Yuki!" They both blushed and lit up, you could see the fire from Rin, "Uh, so now'd be a good time to head in don't you think?" I sweatdrop, "Great idea," Kou laughs nervously, both of us hooked our arms around each other's necks and ran in. 

"Is it just me or are there more schools than last time?" I looked around in the grand stands, "I'm swimming in a pool of well-toned bodies, pure lean muscle, how did I go so long. No, no, pull yourself together, you can do this, be strong, be strong!" Kou was shaking, "Good God Kou, you're trembling like a leaf," Rei looks at him, "Please don't hurl on our bags," Haru says blandly, "Huh? How can you be sick, you're in your element here you're surrounded by rock hard muscle." Nagisa peeks his head out, "I made myself a promise, I know it sounds stupid right but if I play it cool we could use this karma, you know, build it up for nationals? No more muscles till we go all the way!" Kou looks up, "I don't see the point in that..." I sweatdrop, "Yeah isn't it bad to bottle stuff up like that?" Nagisa looks at her, "Yeah." Haru nods, "Give her some credit guys, she's sacrificing her first love for us guys! The least we can do is make it to nationals! What do you say, are you with me!" Mako cheers the boys on and raises his fist, "Yeah!" They all pump it up, Kou just stared at them with a blank face, "Hey, pay no mind to it," I pat her back and sweatdrop.

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