Chapter 20

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"Perrrfect." I angled the last picture, Kou and I were hanging up pictures of the boys up at Iwatobi Swimming Club, "Hey Kou! Yuki!" We heard Mako shout from inside, "Coming!" Kou shouts and the two of us run in, "You practised like the Dickens today!" Miss Amakata looks at the boys, Kou and I set up a spread of food, "I've never seen so many carbohydrates stacked together in the same place." Rei looks at the table, "Yep that's the whole point!" Kou smiles, "You boys have to carb up for your race." I took a riceball, "Hey, where's the protein?" Nagisa looks at the table, "Oh no protein, just carbs, if you want some powder-" Kou hands Nagisa some strawberry protein powder, "Put that crap away now!" Mako interrupts, "I'm incredibly proud of you boys, the fact that you all passed into regionals!" Miss Amakata claps her hands together, "Although I might have something to do with that." Coach Sasabe crosses his arms and puffs his chest out, "Mmhm not to sound ungrateful but you were so busy with the ISCR we've barely seen you at practice." Nagisa was showering the rice in strawberry protein powder, everyone turned blue in the face in disgust, I quickly grabbed a plate and shielded the rice from the powder, a pile of flavouring and protein powder showering on the plate, everyone sighed in relief, I quickly hid got Haru to hide the remaining strawberry protein powder and I hid the plate full of powder under the table, "What happened to all that protein powder?" Nagisa looks at his plate, he shrugged and ate a bit of rice, "Hey a good coach knows how to lead his team in the right way, the good thing is, you all now how. Period." He laughs, "We can pretty much accomplish anything we put our minds to! That's what I've learned!" Nagisa had a mouthful of rice while he talked, "On that note I've got to say you were exceptional awesome Haru." Rei looks at him, we all nod, "Oh, I dug up a sheet, idiot Rin left it over at my house. It's the group Samezuka's going with." I took a sheet of paper out from my bag, "Takuya Uozumi is doing backstroke, Toru Iwashimizu is on breaststroke." I read, "Why wouldn't they put Nitori on backstroke?" Nagisa touches his chin, "Sosuke's doing butterfly and Shark's on free. That's the current lineup so far, but it could change." I put the sheet back in my bag, "Although Uozumi didn't have too good of an individual backstroke today so there's a chance he'll be replaced. Call me crazy but Mini-Mikoshiba's got a pretty good chance of getting subbed in." I stretch my arms up.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, we will now begin the mens 400 meter medley race." We heard the announcement, "I'm sure the boys will be okay out there, I know they can pull this off, there's an old saying that goes, 'It's not the strong who win, it's the winners who are strong'," Miss A had her umbrella ready, Mako and Momo jumped into the pool, "Ready... on your marks... get set... BEEP!" The boys dove off, "Crap!" I ran over to the railings, "A late start," I bit my lip, "It's okay, I think Makoto can make up for it." Miss A clutches on her umbrella, "Looking great Momo!" Samezuka cheered, "Makoto's catching up to him!" Coach claps as the boys did the turn, "Go! Nagisa!" Mako touched the wall, "His usual extension on the end leg doesn't seem to be working." I ran my fingers through my hair, "Samezuka is gaining the lead after the exchange, there's a chance Rei might not be able to catch up! He's trying but Samezuka's just too fast!" Kou runs up next to me, I saw something, it wasn't right, "Sosuke..." I saw him drop back a little, "Scapula, clavicle, humerus..." I muttered to myself, "It's his shoulder," I touched my chin and looked at Sosuke, Rin got to the turn first, Haru and Rin seemed to touch the wall at the same time, everyone stared at the board.

4, 1 Samezuka
5, 2 Iwatobi

"YEAH!" Rin launches his fist out of the water, I smiled and clapped, "That was a close race." Miss Amakata claps, "You don't say." Coach nods, "Alright, alright Samezuka, alright!" Samezuka cheers, "But look at the bright side, we made it past the prelims, which means we make it to regionals!" I turned around.

Congratulations, swim club, on making it to the regional tournament!

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