e i g h t t e e n

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The past few weeks went by quickly making audrey feel better. She did most of her work with lorelei or hermione who happily helped her with homework. She also helped hermione and harry practicing for the first task, it was a nasty shock when she found out it was dragons. "Are they trying to kill you guys!" Audrey complained teaching Harry the accio spell.

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The day of the first task came quickly making audrey cringe. She went through classes like normal but with her biting her lip and spacing off. "What's wrong?" Lorelei asked making audrey turn to her friend during charms class. "Just nervous for harry ya know." Audrey stated making Lorelei nod and agree, leaving the blonde alone.

Audrey walked with Hermione, ron, lee, lorelei and the twins to the stadium still biting her lip. She had changed into a red off the shoulder sweater and basic jeans, she also had her white jacket and gryffindor scarf. "Um, I'm going to see harry audrey want to come?" Hermione asked, making the blonde shake her head. "No thanks, but mione do tell him I wish him the best of luck." Audrey stated making the younger girl nod and walk off.

"Why would you go see harry?" Fred asked, making Audrey look up at him, she forgot the twins didn't know that she had been helping Harry since they had been distant with her and lorelei. "Um he's a fellow gryffindor duh!" Audrey said, looking at Lorelei who cringed, shaking her head. "You're-" "hurry go get peoples bets!" Audrey interrupted Fred pushing him and George towards the stands making Fred give her a look and walk off with his twin.

"You know if he thinks you're dating Harry it's your fault." lorelei stated sitting down in an empty area. Audrey sighed, putting her head in her hands. "Why would Fred care if you're dating harry- wait, are you dating harry?" Ron asked, making the two girls notice his presence. "I'm not dating Harry, and i don't know." Audrey said smiling at the boy who nodded looking into the pit.

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Audrey heard a whistle looking into the pit seeing Cedric Diggory walk into it looking at the dragon that blew fire making him duck. "Oooh narrow miss there, very narrow"... "He's taking a risk,this one!" bagman said, making Audrey wince watching Cedric move around the fire. "Oh I hope it doesn't ruin his face.." Lorelei stated, making Audrey snicker at her friend. "Oi is that all you care about?" George asked, sitting behind Lorelei who nodded, making Fred smile.

Cedric finally got his egg, making Lorelei stand up and clap, catching the hufflepuffs eye making Audrey's eyes go wide. "Bloody hell he didn't." "oh but he did." lorelei said smirking sitting back down. "Maybe you do have a chance.'' Audrey said turning to her best friend who was smiling wide. "Maybe I do." lorelei responded watching fleur delacour walk out into the pit.

Audrey watched with awe at Fleur and krums courage. She knew if she had to face dragons shed just off herself. "What do you think harrys gonna do?" Fred asked making Audrey smile at Hermione, sharing a look. "Who knows maybe he'll fly." Audrey shrugged, making Hermione giggle at her and Fred give her a 'huh' look. "Yeah okay love." he said rubbing her shoulders making her freeze. She blushed looking down while Lorelei and George shared a look.

Harry walked out, making Audrey and Hermione stand up cheering him on immediately making him smile up at the girls. Harry stood still for a few minutes making Audrey groan "harry your wand!' she yelled, not getting his attention. "HARRY YOUR WAND!" Hermione and Audrey screamed making the boy look at them then pull his wand out. "Accio firebolt!" he said making audrey smile proudly at him.

Harry's broom came making him get on it but it seemed like the dragon wasn't having that. The dragon flew at Harry breaking the bonds that held it there making audrey gasp. "YESS DRAGON!" Fred and George yelled making audrey turn and slap them both. Both the dragon and Harry disappeared making audrey anxious. "Calm down ads, i'm sure he's okay." lorelei said, pulling her friend down to sit who nodded. "Yeah he's fine." Fred added, making the girl nod.

A few minutes later Harry came flying back grabbing the golden egg quickly making audrey stand up and cheer ignoring the twins complaining. She watched the judges choose their score, making Audrey smile proudly she knew he'd do well she just knew it. She watched Hermione and Ron hurry down the stands to see Harry making Audrey start following them. "Nope, your little boyfriend will have to wait, go help lee and lorelei set up the common room." George saaid making Audrey huff but nod following Lorelei and Lee to the common room.

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Audrey finished setting up the last banner watching people eat the food fred and George had brought some drinking firewhiskey. Making audrey roll her eyes already knowing how that would end. She got down from her stool smiling at hers, loreleis and lees work. Just as she got down harry, Hermione and Ron walked in making everyone cheer. She quickly walked over to Harry smiling.

"Congrats Harry, I knew you could do it." the blonde said, pulling the younger boy into a hug making him smile and hug her back. "Thanks Audrey means a lot." he said, putting the golden egg down on the floor. After a while Lee picked up the egg making Audrey smile. " blimey this is heavy." Lee complained, holding it, making audrey chuckle. "Open it, harry, go on! Let's just see what's inside!" the boy added.

Hermione went on a rant about how Harry shouldn't open it but like always Harry ignored her opening it making a loud screaming noise making Audrey hold her ears and turn away from the sound. "SHUT IT!" Fred yelled holding his own ears. Harry quickly shut it making audrey sigh. "I'm off to bed, don't cause too much trouble." Audrey said to Fred and George who smirked. "Who us? Never." they stated waving bye to the two girls who headed up stairs to sleep.

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