Chapter 13

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At Green Hill Zone, Tails and Classic Sonic prepared Tails' plane, the Tornado-1, after hearing from Eggman that Sonic, the Prime one, is alive.

"I can't believe it! You heard what Eggman said?" said Tails and Classic Sonic nodded in reply, "Sonic's alive! As in this world's Sonic. I think I used up all my wishes for the rest of my life, but it's worth it! Too bad, my communicator's down and I have no tools for repairing this. Come on, we have to go find him and tell him and everyone about Eggman's plan."

Classic Sonic nodded in reply.

"Whatever his plan is, Eggman said something about Sonic being in Mystic Jungle. So let's go there!"

So Tails boarded the cockpit to pilot the plane while Classic Sonic hopped onto the wings of the plane to stand there. As the Tornado-1 took off to fly to Mystic Jungle, Tails looked at Classic Sonic standing on the wings. He smiled at Classic Sonic which reminds him of his Sonic who always stand on the plane's wings whenever they're having a flight on their adventure.

He missed his Sonic for six months after he was defeated and now, he couldn't wait to reunite with Sonic. Even Classic Sonic couldn't wait to reunite with him too. Soon, Mystic Jungle appeared on their sight.

"We're here, Sonic. Mystic Jungle." said Tails, "According to what we overheard, Sonic should be heard. We better find a place to land."

Tails landed the Tornado-1 and they set off to find Sonic on foot as they ran through the forest and past the ruins of temple covered in neon lights.

"Whoa! I can't believe that Eggman turned the natural environment here into a gambling place." said Tails as they viewed the neon lights around before they proceed to their mission.

After they ran through the forest of neon lights, they crossed on a lake and passed the neon covered ancient ruins.

"Hmmm. No sign of him around here." said Tails, "He might be closer to the center."

Their search continued as they're heading towards the laboratory where Sonic and Silver encountered Infinite.


Tails and Classic Sonic were unaware that Rouge was there, doing on a spy mission for the resistance. Her tracking device picked up their readings that they're heading to the laboratory but unaware that it's Tails and Classic Sonic.

"This is Rouge the Bat." she called the headquarters via communicator, "The system is picking up a couple of strange readings. They're coming from the laboratory, the one where Sonic fought Infinite."

"It's probably another of Eggman's robots." said Silver.

"Life readings, two of them. Definitely not robots." replied Rouge.

"Does this universe's Eggman allied someone aside from robots and Infinite?" asked Sonic '14.

"Just few." replied Sonic.

"But none of them who previously helped Eggman worked with him this time." added Amy.

"Well, let's figure it out." said Knuckles, "Maybe you, Gadget, should go to the lab at Mystic Jungle and check it out. Meet up with Rouge there."

"Okay, I'm going." replied Gadget and left the headquarters.


Upon arriving on Mystic Jungle, Gadget met up with Rouge where she's on a tree, checking on the readings while for Gadget.

"Right on time, rookie." called Rouge as jumped down towards Gadget.

"Thanks. And please, Rouge. Just call me Gadget." said Gadget, "So, the life readings are at the lab?"

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