An explanation

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Moon :.....
Moon : ...why didn't he just finish his job.
*a voice from the distance was speaking,it was hers*
Star : it's becuz there was too much positivity in this world, he can't stay for too long .
Neil : that's right , I tracked all his moves and he seemed effected by the positivity in this world after a while .
Moon : Hi Neil ! I got a question for you ?if he really sensitive to positivity that much ,why it doesn't hurt automatically and take a time instead.
Neil : maybe he's strong enough to handle a couple hours with positivity.
Nightmare: even thou... he is full negativity....
Cross: Hey you over there ....what was that mess right now .
Nightmare: I told you to stay-
Cross : answer.
Nightmare: it's our enemy, the one who is trying his best to destroy Dreamland ,he's taking his chance since the magic of Nim started to weaken.....
Xchara : M'KAY OKAY, but where's Xfrisk you said you will-
Xfrisk : I'm here brother,stop shouting at them .
Cross : hey kiddo ....... WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN?!
Xfrisk : I was visiting a person .
Xchara: and who might that be ?
Star : it's me !Greetings , I'm Star , the "knight" of light, in other words "the Frisk of this universe" .....
Xchara: wait a min ..... YOU KNOW ABOUT AU ?! And also you Moon you know don't you ,how the heck you know and you're sans don't ?
Xfrisk :..... I told them ...
Cross : explain yourself kid ...
Xfrisk : since XGaster was taking so long to finish the data of our broken AU , I decided to made some friends with the alternate versions of me and Chara, and since we were visiting DreamTale , I started with it .
Xchara : and WHY you run away?!
Xfrisk: cuz I would be late for the meeting.
Cross : yeah that reminds me you were so cautious about time at the morning .
Nightmare: so I guess that goodbye.
Cross : yeah sure let's go .
*bip bip "Oreo boy phone is ringing" bip bip*
Cross : Father .. good timing I was about to ask you to bring us ba-
XGaster: Son .....I cannot open portals or teleport you guys .... and it's better like this ... please believe in me .
Cross : wait WHAT ?!
*bip end of chat*

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