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Moon: but..... you just stopped moving..... you and the rest ....... well, the rest of the monster kind.
Cross : ........
Xchara: but that's totally weird, this AU has nothing to deal with coding and stuff like that , right Xfrisk.
Xfrisk:..... well that what it is what  supposed to be ..... maybe the AU got effected by something from the outside
Cross :....... the outside.....
Xchara: how the heck can something like this happen?
Xfrisk : maybe it's XGaster,He must be trying to help us.
Xchara: oh man I wanted to stay here....
Nightmare: you're leaving....?
Cross : not quite... but our existence might cuz some sort of glitches in your world and you're already dealing with Shattered....
Xfrisk: I mean XGaster seem to fail to made a portal anyway.....
Xchara: yes .... and I hope-
Cross : don't finish it
Xchara: who do you think yourself to shut me whenever you want?!
Cross : I dunno ? You're babysitter cuz you can't take care of yourself, and the the same goes for you Xfrisk.
Xfrisk :..........
Diann : hey HEY don't ignore me like that what's happening.
Quetzalcoatl : you're annoying us that's what happening.
Star : oh come on not again , anyway, it's seems that "glitching" has stopped , but anyone know the real reason that might caused it ...?
Nightmare: I didn't notice anything different.
Xchara : I was eating chocolate ,and you know I don't give a crap about what's happening outside when I'm attacking the chocolate.
Xfrisk : I was trying to stop Xchara....
Star : me and Moon were training!
Diann: we basically if I followed you correctly got "glitched" so we couldn't notice anything.
Cross :....
Nightmare:..... Cross ? You look so silent, is everything ok ....
Cross : ..... I noticed...... noticed what...?
Cross :..........
Xchara: just split it out already
Cross : I don't think it has a anything to deal with that
Xfrisk : and what is it?
Cross I witnessed....shattered....

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