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Samarth's POV:

Samarth: I was actually thinking that I will have a ride to Delhi. You know Di asked me many times about when will I visit again. Also, I miss them too. It's been a long time. I too want to see them.

Ahana: I think you should definitely go. It's been two years that you have been home. Of course, they will miss you. 

Samarth: You know my reason, right. You know why don't I like being home?

Ahana: I know, but still I think you should go.

Samarth: I will see to it. We have reached. I think you should go.

Ahana: Samyyy....

I glared at her.

Ahana: I mean Samarth. Why don't you come inside and have a cup of coffee?

Samarth: Not know Ahana. Some other day, maybe....

Ahana: You always say that, 'some other day'. When will that other day come??

Samarth: I don't know....  I will leave now. Bye.

Ahana: Okay then, bye. See you tomorrow.

I nodded and turned around to go. That was my girlfriend, Ahana. We were childhood friends. Have been together since then. Then friendship turned to love, and I proposed to her which she happily accepted. And from then we have been a couple for almost 10 years now. We have been together since we were 15. When we didn't even knew what was love, we have been in a relationship. Funny, right. But you know what, she makes me feel comfortable. And that's the main reason we have been together.

Suddenly I felt a vibration. I looked to my sides and I realized that my cell phone was vibrating. Stupid me!! I took out my phone and saw 'Di' calling. A smile spread through my face. Talking to her is itself peace.

Samarth: Hey Di!!

Shravya: Hello Kiddo!! What's up....

That's what she calls me 'KIDDO'.. I mean seriously from which side do I look like a kid to her. And whenever I ask her these she tells 'You are always a kid to me.'

Samarth: I am fine, just came to drop Ahana. What about you?

Shravya: Aahaa, so someone's turning into a driver now. Dropping and picking up girls...

Samarth: Di, you know it's nothing like that. It's just that Ahana's car got punctured and so she asked me to drop her. 

I heard her giggling from the other side. This girl....

Shravya: Relax kiddo, you don't have to give me an explanation. I know... You know what the day when you yourself will talk to me about a girl, that will be my happiest day..

Samarth: Oh is it!! Why so??

Shravya: See that's why I call you a kiddo. Because that day I will know that my little brother has finally grown up and he has fallen in love..... 

She and her silly logic's.. Godddd...

Shravya: You know what.. I really don't  understand your and Ahana's equation. I mean you guys don't look like a couple to me...

Samarth: And is it because we don't do PDA. 

Shravya: It doesn't need PDA to make a relationship look real, you know. Your relationship doesn't have that charm..

Samarth: Di, leave it na yaar... We will see and talk about it when time comes. OK. And I feel this is really not the time. You tell me about your life, or I should say your 'work life' because there is nothing other than that..

Shravya: Hey shut up OK... I am very much happy in my life, being away from all this mess. I don't understand why you and mamma are always behind me to make my life horrible. 

Samarth: Di, first of all, Love is not a horrible thing at all. And moreover, why are you so afraid of this feeling? Give it a chance, Di. You will get to know a new life.

Shravya: Yeah of course...

She answered me back with sarcasm.

Samarth: Di I am serious. You know what, when that person who is specially made for you, only for you will enter your life, you will realize that what I said just now are all true and even better than that. You just wait for the right time....

Shravya: OK OK... enough knowledge about love for today. Don't give me more or else I wouldn't be able to handle. You say, are you coming to Delhi?

Samarth: Yeah, actually I was thinking to have a trip there.

Shravya: Really...

She shouted on the phone and I felt my ears paining. I could feel her grinning on the other side of the call.

Samarth: Di, why the hell did you have to shout??

Shravya: Because I am overjoyed. Why didn't you inform me earlier idiot? Mamma would be so much happy hearing that her favorite son is coming to meet her.

Samarth: Hey wait!! Don't tell mamma.. I want to surprise her.

Shravya: Really, OK... By the way when are you coming?

Samarth: Tomorrow, I guess...

Shravya: What??? Are you mad? Why didn't you inform me earlier? So many preparations are to be done? How do I finish them so early??

Samarth: Di relax yaar. You know I don't like all these celebrations and preparations. That's the main reason I am not informing anybody. I am coming back to my own home, why the world should know that?

Shravya: I understand.. But you know Dad, right..

Samarth: That's why I am telling you, don't you spread this..

Shravya: OK idiot, I will not tell anyone. Happy...

Samarth: Very. By the way, what happened to your assistant? You were going to appoint someone right? 

Shravya: Who told you that? Of course, Naveen. I don't know what's happening to him. Why he is so hell bent on appointing an assistant for me? I really don't get it.

Samarth: He just wants to lessen down your work. What's wrong in that?

Shravya: But I don't need it. Anyways, I postponed the interview to tomorrow. Let's meet the person tomorrow. And you know what, I can't even say that he is not good enough and all that staff, because before me Naveen will take interview of the person which he has already taken. And according to him, the applicant is the best.

I laughed at that. Aah, my sister....

Shravya: OK, if you are coming tomorrow then I am sure you have not done your packing till now. So, now go and do your packing, eat something and sleep, ok. And call me tomorrow when you are about to leave. Meet you soon Kiddo. Good night.

Samarth: Yeah Di, I will call you and goodnight to you too.

With that she hung up. It's feels so relaxing to talk with her, realizing that you have someone you can talk anything with.

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