Chapter 3 Invatation

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Ciel's POV

I chuckled at her reaction as she stood up and backed up "h-huh?!" I stood up crossed my arms "you heard me and that's an order" I heard a sigh come from her as I saw her have a smirk on her face "I just met you and I'm not one of your little maids you can boss around, in fact you have to earn it little boy" I saw her grab my clothes as wave it around slightly "now cmon let's hurry and dress you before your butler worries about you" I nodded and turned my head not showing my red face as she started taking off my pants and putting on my regular outfit.

I walked out the dressing room and heading towards Lizzie and Sebastian as I saw Lizzie jump around and laugh...something's off. I turned my head and I didn't see (y/n) come out the dressing room. "Oi Ciel shouldn't you be with your fiancé?" I turned to see (y/n) organizing clothes on a shelf as I looked at her confused. I heard I chuckle come behind me turning to see it was Sebastian "young master shouldn't we get going you'll miss tea time with Lady Elizabeth" I nodded as I headed towards Elizabeth to gesture her to go back to the manor as I heard the hag say her good byes as we walked out.

"You know Ciel you should be a little more nicer to her and try to know her better" I looked at Lizzy like she was insane "why would I?! That hag is too-" "but she's been through a lot, she lost a lot before she got into the position that she's in now" I looked down thinking about Lizzy's words as we both got into the carriage 'was I too rude to her?...yea probably' I rested my head on my palm and sighed as we past the girl's shop as I saw her walk out and we slightly made eye contact till I looked away hearing Lizzy talk as I curled my lips into a smile slightly "OMG CIEL YOUR SMILING!!!!!!" I froze as I heard Lizzy screaming while hold my hands tightly and jumping up slightly "indeed we both saw your smile, what was on your mind young master" I looked away embarrassed "w-well I was thinking about Lizzy" I mumbled the last part but Lizzy still heard it "awww Ciel!!" She hugged me but it was not tight as usual it was nice and comfortable, I hugged her back taking in her sweet scent.

Sebastian was dressing me up for bed as I closed my eyes to only see memories of the girl I would call hag "young master are you ok?" I nodded as I slightly opened my eyes "Sebastian I'm going to take Lizzy to that shop for 4 months" "indeed but why young master..oh my" I looked at Sebastian confused as he covered his mouth dramatically "is it possible you've fallen for miss (l/n) already?" "No you idiot why would I clearly hate that woman!!" I threw a pillow at him as he successfully caught it. I crossed my arms and huffed remembering what happened in the dressing room "plus she's not very good at dressing me" Sebastian nodded as he put the pillow back in place "I see but what is it why are you telling me this?" I sighed as I laid down letting Sebastian tuck me in "I clearly don't trust that woman so I want you to observe from afar and don't worry about me and Elizabeth I'll protect her if something happens and that's an order" Sebastian bowed and left the room mumbling only for me to here "yes my lord"

Next day (y/n) POV

I went into the shop as I headed to the back room and grabbed my apron to open the shop. I heard the bell ring as I rose my head and slowly went to the front "um sorry but we're not opening till 9:00" I looked at male who was wearing a suspension outfit "ah I see I just wanted to see costumes for my young master" I nodded slowly as I smiled "oh just tell me his size and I could see what I can do mister" "well I don't like showing random people my master's si-" I huffed and crossed my arms "and I don't like it when random people enter my shop when it clearly says 'closed' or did you not see that part" I turned as I when into the men section as he followed me but I had my guard up just in case "i think this would suite my master the best" I glanced at the outfit and nodded as he grabbed it and headed to the front "I'll pay you extra since I entered so rudely" I shook my head and leaned my head on my palm as I sat on a stool "it's fine it's not the first that has happened there has been many robbery attempts, that's on the house by the way" I saw the man nod as he headed towards the door but he stopped half way "ah lady (y/n) my master has also invited you into a costume party that is gonna be held in a month please consider in coming" "a mere commoner invited to a costume party? Hm I'll think about it" I heard the door close I stood up fast in shock "Wait how the hell does he know my name?!" I felt chills go up my spine as I shook it off while heading out side to open the shop.

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