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'' meow! ''

ot8 (jeongin centric)

— jisung and felix mess up a spell and jeongin witnesses the aftermath

genre: fluff

warnings: polyamory

other: chan, minho & changbin are vampires, hyunjin is a nature fairy, jisung & felix are warlocks, seungmin is a werewolf and jeongin is human. this fic takes place in the same universe as #8, #12, #14, #15 and #22

word count: 1,801

jeongin walks up to the front door after a long day at uni.

he had some of his hardest classes today, along with a couple of tests, and he couldn't wait to get inside and relax.

slipping the key into the lock, he quickly unlocks the door and enters the house, making sure to lock it behind him.

"i'm home~" he calls out. most of his boyfriends should be home, he knew hyunjin and seungmin were spending the day out in the forest today and chan was going out into town, but the others should be here.

he puts his backpack away before making his way towards the living room, looking for one of his boyfriends.

halfway to his destination, something bumps into his legs, nearly causing him to trip and fall.

once he regains his balance, jeongin looks down to find a tabby cat staring up at him.

"what..." jeongin mumbles, confused.

him coming home and seeing a bat or a wolf pup was common, as his boyfriends liked to shift into their animal counterparts every so often, but a cat? none of his boyfriends could turn into a cat as far as he knew. and they didn't have any pets in the house as none of them could ever agree on what to get, so how did a cat end up in here?

he bends down and holds his hand out towards the cat, but the cat completely ignores it and rubs against his legs instead while purring.

jeongin sits still for a few seconds, utterly confused as the tabby continues to rub against him.

after a bit he makes up his mind and picks the cat up gently, cradling it to his chest. the cat seems a little annoyed at first, and jeongin is scared it might attack him, but eventually it just nuzzles closer to his chest to get comfortable.

after making sure the cat is secure and not trying to run away or attack him, he makes his way throughout the house looking for one of his boyfriends.

"hello?" he calls out, turning around and making his way towards the hallway, deciding to check out the bedrooms first since it was almost guaranteed that someone would be in one of them. a meow comes from the cat, starling jeongin for a moment, it was almost like the cat was answering his call.

"jeongin?" jisung calls, his head popping out of his and felix's bedroom. once spotting the younger, jisung comes bouncing out of the room with a smile on his face.

"welcome home!" he says, pulling jeongin into a hug and pressing a kiss to his cheek, "how was school?"

"school was okay-" jeongin says, trying to make sure jisung doesn't suffocate the cat who was now squirming around, trying to get away. "don't squish the cat, sung,"

"cat?" jisung says, pulling back and looking down at the disgruntled tabby in jeongins arms. "oh, you found minho!"

"minho?" jeongin says, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked down at the tabby. "last time i checked minho could only turn into a bat, not a cat,"

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