up no more

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'' up no more ''

bang chan x lee minho

— minho's tired of chan never being home.

genre: angst, hurt/comfort

warnings: one curse word

other: inspired by the chorus of twice's up no more

word count: 1,389

minho's tired.

he's tired of waking up alone. he's tired of eating alone. he's tired of staying in the apartment alone. he's tired of waiting up all night alone.

he's tired of chan never being home.

the only sound in the house is the faint ticking of the clock above the tv, minho staring at it like it would make time go by quicker. the hands of the clock showed it was five past eleven, four hours after chan should have gotten off work.

now, minho knew coming into this relationship that chan would be a busy guy. his producing job kept him busy most of the day, but for the first two years of their relationship chan would still make time for minho.

chan used to be home by eight most nights, nine at the latest. now he doesn't come home until midnight if minho's lucky.

he used to spend the morning getting ready with minho before going to work, but now he's gone before minho even wakes up.

chan used to put time aside so they could go on dates, but when was the last time they've even been on a date? weeks? months? it's been too long for minho to remember.

it's like living with a ghost.

minho tries to stay up late just so he can spend a little bit of time with chan, even just an hour before he has to go to sleep to wake up early enough for his own job. but recently, he's seen chan for less than an hour each day, and he's so tired.

all the time he has alone gives him time to think about their relationship, and to be honest, he's been starting to question it.

i mean, what's the point of dating someone when you hardly see them?

it's not even like chan has to spend 24/7 at the studio producing, he just chooses to.

chan's explained to minho why he spent so much time at the studio before. chans a perfectionist when it comes to music, he needs everything to just right or it nags at his brain until he fixes it. and sometimes he just gets too caught up in producing to even realize how long he's been gone for. making music to chan is both a stress releaser and a stress inducer, it's what he turns to when he's stressed so he can let all of his feelings out- but since it's also his job it causes him to become stressed with deadlines and unhappy clients and lack of inspiration. it's like a big loop he can't escape.

but still, couldn't he set time aside for his boyfriend?

it's not like he hasn't tried to talk to chan about this either, but most nights chan is too tired to have a serious talk, or minho never catches him early enough to talk before he goes to work.

maybe minho was just wasting his time with this relationship...

minho sighs and drops his head onto the back of the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

he was going to talk to chan tonight, try to sort all of this out- and if needed, he's prepared to end the relationship. he wouldn't let chan brush this off again, he couldn't take it anymore.

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