Chapter 3 Almost a Year later

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It was almost a year after the launch tomorrow will be our year after we have launched our space station into orbit. I was sitting in the Orion lounge with Reginald and Sven enjoying our breakfast after I got done eating I would have to take charge and swap places with Ellie. How we've been running the station was I would take charge for 12 hours and Ellie would take charge for twelve hours. During the time we weren't in charge we would be having something to eat or taking a nap. Now tomorrow would be our one year anniversary since we have launch our orbital station. Since it would be our first year I wanted to do something special with my clan I wanted to celebrate one year after the launch of our orbital station. After I got done with my looped fruits I told Reginald and Sven to meet in the meeting room with Carol Cross, Geoffroy Plumb, Thomas Chesterline, RHM, Ellie Rose and several others.

We got up and headed to the meeting room as we got into the meeting room all of the higher ups looked at us and said "where have you guy been." Reginald exclaimed that we were having breakfast in the Orion lounge. As we took our sits we all started to talk about our one year anniversary in space. We were planning this for a week now and we agreed to have everyone meet in the cafeteria of the station and have us talk about how its been being one year in space. By now almost everyone in the toppat clan fully accepted me as the new leader of the toppat clan most of the lower members really liked me as a leader. At first it was hard to get the higher ups of the clan to accept me. After launching a rocket into space no governments attacked us during my rein as leader of the toppat clan. I mean they did try but I made sure that they didn't bring us down no one in the clan actually died under my watch. Now as we were discussing  we had some toppat members beamed down to earth to bring some more alcoholic beverages and water to the ship for our party that we were having tomorrow. We haven't really had any parties up in the station for a while the last time was the new years so this would be really fun.

As me and Ellie were about to switch place we went around the station to make sure how everyone is doing. We went to our kitchen to see how some of the toppat members are at getting ready for our one year anniversary in space. We see Mr. Thicc (one of the best chefs in the toppat clan.), Beans, and others in the kitchen. Me and Ellie went over to Mr. Thicc and ask how were things going along. He replied "well um chief we have been getting ready for tomorrow I remember that you don't normally do this so it is nice that we are celebrating one year in space. I'm working on a cake for the clan and making some burgers for tomorrow as well. Beans is making beans cause he just can't stop thinking about them." Ellie replied excellent news now just finish what you were doing. C'mon Henry lets see how everyone else is doing."

As we left the kitchen and into the hallway and headed to the chiefs quarters I looked to Ellie and said "well time to switch." Ellie looks at me and said " well its been a long day today normally a meeting would be no more than one hour but this was like three and a half hours we had that meeting we weren't sure what to do with tomorrow an-." I cut her off and patted her on the back and said "you did the best you could and that's all that matters now get some rest Ellie." Ellie looks at me relieved and heads upstairs to take a nap.

As I walked out of the chiefs quarters and went around the ship nothing major happened I checked oxygen levels, Gravity of the station, the greenhouse, communications, and defenses of the ship. When I was all done with my routine it was the next day our one year anniversary in  space.

I was nervous about this I normally don't throw parties cause they make me nervous but this was a big event in toppat history. As I was siting in a lounge above the cafeteria looking down to the area I would have to speak in front of my members in a few hours. As I was looking down I can see some of the members getting the tables ready so seeing that I went down to see if they needed any help. As I opened the door and walked into the cafeteria a few of the members exclaimed that the boss is here I went over to Floyd and asked how things are doing. He replied "so Henry we just started getting things set up we are getting the tables ready. Mr. Thicc and a few other members are getting the food ready as soon as we are done we are going to let you know and the boss lady about this alright." I looked at him trying to hide how nervous I am and said "alright then I'll be in the chiefs quarters if you need me."

I left the cafeteria feeling worried that I'll not have anything to say to my clan. As I went into the chiefs quarters I sat on the couch right next to Ellie as she was playing among us. She was the Imposter along with Sven as there were five people left RHM, carol, and Thomas. As soon as Ellie killed RHM the round ended in a Imposter victory. "Good job Ellie" I replied as I was getting onto the among us server that the clans members were on. She looks at me and said " thanks Henry I didn't see you there. but it's no big deal you're getting on the server right?" As soon I got on the server we played for hours until we had to go down and into the cafeteria.

As soon as me and Ellie got into the cafeteria I could hear people cheering on me and Ellie as we walked down the cafeteria and near the window facing the earth. I turned to everyone and said "everyone we all know why we are here today we are here to celebrate one year after the initial launch into orbit. this is a big deal in toppat history so now I'm allowing anyone to come up here and speak in front of everyone and give their thoughts on this monumental day." As soon as I said that Reginald Cooperbottom stood up and walked into the middle of the room and started to speak. "Everyone I'll like to says something about this historical day that happened a year ago. Before we launched our space station into orbit I was skeptical about henrys worthiness to lead the toppat clan, but when I seen him put his life on the line to save the toppat clan. I was impressed that Henry was willing to put his own life on the line that when I grabbed henry as the rocket was launching. I had a moment as if I wanted to drop him or not I pulled him back up and into the station because of Henrys efforts we were able to establish our orbital station. Unfortunately we had lost quite a few members during the raid. Ellie was officially recruited into the toppat clan and given the rank right hand lady. While me and my RHM went on to become top operators within the clan preforming several successful operation's."       

After a few other members spoke me and Ellie went to the lounge over looking the cafeteria as music played me and Ellie poured ourselves a glass of wine with our food on the table. "You know Henry this has been quite a life up here being the leaders of the toppat clan." Ellie exclaimed as she raise her glass of wine. "It sure has been Ellie" I told her raising my glass of wine. Me and Ellie both said "cheers" and tapped our glasses together and started drinking.

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