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Two weeks have passed since the renovations of the station made by me, as Ellie and I pondered on our life choices that led up to this moment. I busted myself out with a friend to help me out, as I got my space station up into orbit. Then one day the government decided to attack us which failed miserably. We took the renown pilot Charles as we got some pretty important info from him. Then I sent Ellie to rescue Burt and Reginald after she saved them we decided to sneak into the government complex. As we snuck n and stole there ships General Galeforce shoots my left arm with a shotgun and my spine with a pistol. Which made me get cybernetic enhancement's for the injuries I've endured. Then Charles decided to escape which I ultimately threw him in an escape pod sending him back to earth. A week after that we did one more heist before finally renovating the station it needed it badly. 

When I walked out of my quarters I look out the window to see some of the dead members floating in space as they were killed by Charles. Then I walk to our now upgraded oxygen room which had twice the amount of oxygen capacity than it did previously and we don't have to clean it as often when we had the original one. Then I went to our newest area within the station the fish room in this room we breed fish only to later be served on the plates of the clan. I feed the tilapia, shrimp, and lobster we had in our tanks so far don't worry they are in separate tanks. Then I decided to just walk over to our garage where we had our ships in for the toppat space ship division within the clan. Where Reginald who I made in charge of the division was at my station to get food and supplies for the next trip out of the station he has been enjoying the time leading his division along with his RHM. Then I went up to Reginald and asked how's he doing Reginald replies "great henry I've liked that I get to lead my own division again but not the entire clan as I once did."

As the team got everything in the ship I wondered how differently life may of been if I didn't accept Reginald's offer. I know that the only reason he let me be leader was to save his own skin, but that decision was a great decision made by him and now I'm one of the most beloved and greatest leaders in toppat history. Then as everything got packed up onto the Skeld I waved goodbye to the Reginald and RHM as they went out of the station and into the vacuum of space.

Then I went back to the quarters when I went to my window which overlooked the earth I can see the earth beautifully from here. Then I look to my side to see Galeforces hat on my wall a reminder of that one mission we did when we stopped an entire government attack. I went to Ellie who was just sitting on the couch of our living quarters and we decided to play some super smash bros.

This is the end of this story I may make another book following up on what happened after this book so if you want to see this just put it down in the comments with suggestions

as it currently stands me and another writer named @ThunderWolf201408 are writing another story that would be posted on my end called profiteering stickmin which would take place during the Stickmin Space Resort route of Completing the mission

So if you have any suggestions for this new story or have any suggestions for a continuation of this story just leave them down in the comments below.

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