Chapter 5 Interrogation

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As I waited for our medical team to fix up henrys wounds I see RHM coming to me" where's Henry." I told him that he got shot in the shoulder and right knee cap. RHM responded " well you know the intruder that had let the government officials in. Well he took one of our escape pods down to earth with Burt and reg." I told him that we'll get them back besides we have undercover agents who are spying on the government right now in such. As me and RHM where finishing up our conversation one of the clans members comes to me and says "um we have the government official in the brigs at the moment what do you want me to do Right hand lady." I calmly told them that we'll interrogate him in a few days and I also told him to not feed him just yet." They responded " alright chief." and walked away. After they walked away the  toppat medical team came out and told me and RHM that Henry will be okay and that he needs a few days to rest after his injuries. They also said that if we want to see henry now he's unconscious at the moment and that it'll be best to see him in a few hours.

That was excellent news I turned to RHM and said "so two members were captured, the chief was injured, and three members are died." RHM interrupts me and says "wait we have lost two more members who has died so far." I replied "we lost Floyd winters before the fighting at the cargo bay happened. We have lost Mr. Macbeth who was shot in the head by the government official in the brigs, And Blast Conner's who was shot multiple times in the chest by a dead government official. Any ways wow today was quite a day wouldn't you say." RHM nodded and walked away.

A few hours went by I was walking to the medical bay with two Nintendo Switches in hand. As I open the door I see Henry excited to see me. He tries to come to me but immediately puts his hand on his right knee with a face of pure pain on his face. I walked over to him and hugged him he hugged me back and said "you have done a good job Ellie and I want to let you know I thank you for being here for me." I responded "no problem Henry anyways I brought two Nintendo Switches we can play smash for the time being." Henry looks at with a big grin on his face and gives me the thumbs up, and for the rest of the day we played some super smash bros.

A few days went by Henry is now able to walk he looks alright still complains about his right knee but it's ok. As me and Henry were talking he tells me that we should start interrogating Charlies and find out any information on what the government is doing. I nodded and headed over to the room where we were about to interrogate Charlies.

When I got to the room I see Charlies sitting passed out on a chair with his arms tied to the back of the chair and legs tied to the front of the chair. I look to the table next to him to find a pair of wire cutters, a wrench, a car battery, a gun, gasoline, a knife, and a pair of pliers. When I heard Henry outside the room I slapped Charlies he immediately woke up as soon as Henry came inside the room with a plate of food in his hand. "Ah Charlies it's good to see you again how do you feel" Charlies looks at Henry and responds "hungry." Henry sat down in front of him and offered Charlies his plate of seasoned fish, rice, and beans. Charlies immediately ate half of what Henry had the other half Henry put down on the table for himself throughout this interrogation.

I looked at Henry and said "so Charlies we know why we're we can do this the easy way or the hard way. If we do this the easy way you will answer my question with a response to my question, and if you refuse to answer or take to long to answer I'll give you to my right hand lady. So if you answer my questions accordingly you won't have to get hurt but if you aren't cooperating with me I'll have my right hand lady torture the information out of you." As soon as Henry said that Charlies had a worried look on his face. "So my first question is why did you come up into space and what was your strategy to get in here?" Charlies responded "well it started when me and two other government officials went to a government ship that was going to be used in a toppat clan raid. me and the two government officials went to space and the cargo bay opened for us and now we're here." Henry looks at Charlies with a disappointed look on his face and said "there were three government officials not two, and also you had a government official sneak on board to let you guys in and now he took one of our escape pods down to earth with two other members. Ellie you know what to do with him when we catch him lying." As Henry sat down and grabbed his plate of food I was eager to start torturing him. So many options I couldn't decide what to do. So I grabbed a knife and stabbed his leg immediately he let out a loud scream, and I pulled the knife out and slapped his face.

After Henry got done eating what he was eating at the time he put his plate done and said "see this is why you don't lie Charlies. Stabbed in the leg and you're to blame you give lying a bad name." After Henry said that he asked Charlies "so this government raid what is it?" Charlies responded "I don't know." "You don't know it well Ellie do your thing." As soon as I heard that I grabbed the wrench and swung it at Charlies arm. I swung the wrench so hard that I dislocated his right arm. Henry had a face with a slightly painful face feeling bad for Charlies but he asked Charlies "Charlies what is the government doing." Charlies crying said " they are planning a toppat raid in a few days alright there using government ships that were just prototypes when I first used it myself. now they are using the ship to destroy the toppat orbital station." 

Henry look at me and gave me a look saying that this will be over soon they he looks at Charlies and says "my last question is where are they planning on launch this attack from like where are they having this government ships at." Charlies couldn't answer in time so Henry motioned me to grab something. So I grabbed the pliers opened up Charlies mouth place the pliers on one of Charlies teeth and yanked out one of his teeth. Then I grabbed the wire cutters and put one of his fingers near the tongs of the cutters. As I was about to do it Henry ordered me to stop but still have the cutters on his finger. "Charlies if you don't answer this question we'll cut your finger right now answer my question. Where is the government planning on attacking us from." Charlies replied "ok the government is planning on launching the attack from our military base in the desert near the first bank you failed at robbing." Henry smiled "see was that wasn't that hard was it. Ellie take this man back to the brigs." 

As I was about to take Charlies back to the brigs Jacque Letouche came into the room saying that Burt and Reginald are being held at the military base in the Dogobogo jungle near the toppat launch site. Henry told him that he'll have me and a few other members go to that base and rescue ham. While the rest of them would try to stop this government raid from happening.

So this is the end of this chapter how do you want chapter six to go

option 1: have it in Ellie's pov trying to save Burt and Reginald from the Government


option 2: have it in Henry's pov setting up a camp near the government base and planning on what to do during the attack on the government complex

the choice is yours

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