Chapter 7 Infiltrating the Complex

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We were on the outskirts of the government base overlooking the complex. Me, Ellie, RHM, and Reginald were planning our attack on the base. As we were looking for ways inside the base to steal the government ships. I seen a semi truck with loads of equipment inside it being stored on the Skeld. I look to the boys and said "alright I have a plan you see that truck  when another truck comes we'll sneak on it and hide inside the boxes. Once it gets dark we'll get out of the boxes that are on the ship have toppat members steal the ships. Me, Ellie, Reginald and RHM will take the Skeld back to the base, and everyone else will take the other ships back to the station. Once were in space I'll tell Burt not to shoot because we are inside the ships. After were done with this we'll have government ships to defend us in case another attack from the government ."

As soon as I said that everyone gave me the thumbs up and I repeated my plan to the rest of the camp most of them agreed some didn't they would rather bust in, but I don't want any casualties during our raid so that's why I was against busting in. I told Burt to beam some members back onto the station cause we need to do this mission quietly. now with 15 members with me it was time for action. An hour went by Jacque Letouche with his disguise kit in hand as soon as the truck came we stopped the truck. As Jacque disguised himself as the driver while the rest of us hid inside the boxes Me and Ellie hid in the same box while other members in different boxes. After we were done getting the plan set up. I could hear Jacque close the door I could hear him fire a gunshot (it had a silencer but you could still hear it) at the drivers head. I could hear him walking away from the car presumably to hide the body then I could hear him get in the drivers seat in the truck. Then the truck starts moving I look at Ellie with a worried look as we were cramped inside of the wooden box.

As the truck stopped I could hear the faint sounds of the guards and Jacque talking about getting ready for the toppat clan raid. The guard tells Jacque to drive the truck near the garage with the ships and unload the load inside the Skelds storage. The truck starts moving to the garage as the truck stops I could hear general Galeforce telling the driver to unload the supplies to the Skeld. Little does he know that the toppat clan will steal all of the government ships. As the door of the truck opens one by one the boxes are being unloaded inside the Skeld. Then Jacque whose on a forklift picks up mine and Ellies box which has lots of random stuff inside it. As we peak through the hole of the box I see Galeforce talking about launching the raid in two days because of the attack that happened in the Dogobogo Jungle. As I looked to Ellie with a determined expression on my face wanting to stop this attack on my clan. When Jacque puts us in storage which was just near the base that we entered the Skeld from he puts me and Ellie in a spot so that we can see both the entrance and the admin so I looked to Ellie and whispered "we made it." Then I grabbed my microphone and quietly told the members to get some rest before nightfall. Then I told them off and said to Ellie get some rest she agreed and we slept side by side next to each other inside the box.

As nine hours went by it was already 11:32 as Ellie was sleeping on my shoulders and nudged her to wake up as she did so I look around to see if any guards were here then I told everyone to get out of the boxes. Once everyone was out I told everyone to steal the government ships so that they don't attack us right now and that we have ships to defend the station. Since there were five government ships not including the Skeld in the garage I had ten members go out of the Skeld and inside the government ships. While me, Ellie, Reginald, and RHM were going to steal the Skeld and take it back to the Station. As everyone was getting set up I had Ellie, Reginald, and RHM scope out the ship to find and solders that are inside the Skeld and take care of them. As I got in the front of the ship about to get ready to chart its navigation towards the station. A few minutes went by as soon as the last member got inside there ship I said to everyone lets go and opened the roof of the garage.

As soon as It opened all of us flew the ships and headed straight to space suddenly I could hear alarms go off at the base. As we were going to the atmosphere on of our ships gets shot down  killing two members of the clan. As soon as we made it into space I was excited to have new ships to defend the station from the governments of the world. I told Burt that if he sees five  government ships coming to the station I told him not to shot because that was us inside the ships. Then I told everyone That was with me inside the Skeld to come to the front with me as we were around 100 kilometers away from the station. Then I feel a gun pointed at the back of my head "well well if it isn't the infamous Henry Stickmin betrayer of the government and leader of the toppat clan." As soon as I heard Galeforce I responded "yep that's me" Galeforce starts to says "we offer you a pardon once you helped us stop the toppat clan and you'd blew it." I replied "well once I was at the cargo bay I heard the prevoius leader saying that he would surrender leadership to me if I didn't give him over to you guys and now look at how much money I have amassed." Once we got near the station Galeforce tells me to ram the Skeld Into the Station. I see Ellie peeking out the hallway and gives me the thumbs up. Then I charged at Galeforce he shot my left hand off with a shot gun and then my left shoulder. He knew I was left handed once i was on the ground my vision was blurred he shot my spine 3 times with his pistol. all of that happened in five seconds. Then Ellie shoots him in the head once and runs up to galeforce and sharts shooting him yelling "DON'T YOU EVER HURT MY BEST FRIEND AGAIN!" As soon as she was done everything went to black.

I was looking at Henry he was unconscious thank gosh but I told the clan that once we get to the station Henry needs medical assistance immediately. Then I started to pilot the ship to the station then the door to the station opens for us to get inside the station. gave Henry to the medical team a few hours later the team tells me that they had to replace henrys left arm and spine because the damaged he sustained was beyond repair.

that's it for this chapter 

the choices you guys made was to sneak in here is what happened

-Entrance Undetected

-Two toppat members killed

-Galeforce dead

-Henry Cybernetic Enhancements

-Government Ships Stolen

these is the choices you made that lead to this outcome Chapter 8 is coming shortly

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