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Hello fellow mortals, (Sorry, that was a quote from my best friend.)  Anyways, on with the show!) and welcome to my 2nd book.  This is a book of romance and action, and the pic you see above is connected to action. (Also, I drew that.  So, please let me know if you have any suggestions or compliments in the comments!  O, and also, I know it looks similar to a Clone trooper, but theirs a good reason for that.  You'll see soon.)  So... LETS DO THIS!

Erica P.O.V.

"Are you done Zoe?" I asked with my signature icy glare.

"Not yet Erica," Zoe replied without looking up from the screen, "HYDRA's mainframe is harder to hack than ours..." (Yes HYDRA.  I like MARVEL.  Deal with it. You also might have heard of HYDRA...) 

"Ben," I said into my earpiece.

"Yeah?" A hazy reply came from the speaker. 

"You need to retreat right now," I said to him, "Or at least stay hidden for a while."

"Er," Ben's voice became hazier and hazier by the moment.

"Ben," I said, "Why is your voice coming out so hazy?"

"Because I'm setting a wifi bomb that is going to go off in 30 seconds." He replied.

"WHAT?" I shrieked.

Ben replied, "Erica, I need you to know one more thing,"

I felt tears roll onto my face.

"I love you." Ben said.

Then the bomb went off.  Then Ben, my best friend (WOW ERICA HAS A FRIEND! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?) went off with it.

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