Ice Suit

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I also drew this one, so ya... on with the show. (If u like it, I can draw some more.  I can also take criticism.)

Erica P.O.V.

I was running down the halls to the mess.  Not because I wanted an early, breakfast, because I needed to find out who Ice Suit was.  And because of the note.  The note said;

Ice Queen-

Meet me in the mess at 2400 hours. Your life depends on it.

-Ice Suit

The mess was quiet, except for this weird hmmm of kind of like, a blade of some sort, kind of like a lightsaber in Star Wars.  Ben showed those to me.  Stop thinking about Ben. My mind said as I turned a corner and turned face to face with the Ice Suit.

I launched myself at it.  Ice Suit, instead of side-stepping like I thought, JUMPED STRAIGHT OVER ME!  I crashed into the ground, but quickly got up again.  He took out the source of the hmmm noise, a electronic blade.  I quickly found myself a sword, and we started clashing.  Well, I started clashing.  Ice Suit looked like it really didn't want to fight.  But it did, and soon I ended up on the ground.

"Do you know who I am?" Ice Suit asked.

I didn't respond.  I just used his talking to allow myself the upper hand.  I took my sword from the ground, and smashed it against Ice Suit.  He flew back.  He didn't look hurt, he looked annoyed.

"How do you not know who I am???" It asked from across the mess.

"I don't!" I yelled back, and we started to clash swords again.

This time, instead of leaving my sword on the ground when it hit it out of my hand, it took my sword and threw it across the room.

"You know," It said, "You not knowing who I am hurts right here."  It pointed at its heart.

"Then who are you?" I asked.  Then I realized something.  I was so caught up with the fight, I didn't bother to remember the dream, besides the icy suit itself.

"I'll show you then." He replied.

I held my breath.  I knew what color those eyes were.

They were green.

Ice Suit took off his mask, and I stared right into it's face.

I was looking right into the eyes of...

Benjamin Ripley.

YEEES! FINALLY! DONE WITH THE PART I WAS MOST ANXIOUS ABOUT!  Thank you for the support raythecoolaswriting for lending me the idea for this book.  If you want to see his comment, go to Spy School OneShots Im doing... and go to UM I NEED SUGGESTIONS PLZ! and go to the comments.  Anyways, laters! Baiiii!

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