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Um, so... IDK!  I DON'T KNOW WHAT IMA DOING!  DON' T ASK!  Well, I guess we should get going... okee, well, here's your chapter...  sigh.

Ben P.O.V.

Holy crap.  I did it.  I kissed Erica.  Um.  Should I be happy?  Or should I be scared and run away before she kills me? I DON'T KNOW!

"WHAT THE H*LL BEN!" Erica screamed at me, turning red in the face.  A lot.

"Er," I replied, "Don't we like each other..."

"YES BUT I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THAT YET!" Erica retorted, "I - uh - oops."

I raised an eyebrow. "Yet?"

Erica didn't respond, but she just turned even more red, which didn't seem possible, considering that she was already super red.  We just sat in silence for the rest of the car ride.  But we were holding hands.  As we approached our destination.  I was super confused.  I didn't know what I should do, let go, or keep holding on.  So I just kept holding on. 

As we were climbing out of the car, Catherine popped her head out of the passengers seat, while smiling slyly.  (NOW THAT IS WHAT I CALL CATH SENSE!)

"When's the wedding?" She asked us, "Or is it now?"

Erica and I both turned as red as roses. "MOTHER!" Erica shouted, "We are not in a together!"

"Yettttt," Catherine taunted, making imitations of Erica in a dreamy voice, which I have to admit, were spot on if Erica talked in a dreamy voice. (Note: She doesn't)

Mneh.  Sorry about the short chapter, I just didn't have that many ideas for next chapter.  Cath Sense was the best thing to ever happen in the world.  Okee, welp, gotta go, CYA!

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