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Still have the pic above.  Not changing it till next chapter or 2.  So deal with it.

Erica P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door.  I quickly dressed, slung my backpack over my shoulder, and opened the door.  It was Zoe, my "friend".

"Hey Erica." She said to me.

"He-e-ey" I said, still shaken from that night a month ago in HYDRA's base.

"Still shaken from that night a month ago in HYDRA's base?" Zoe asked.

"NO!" I snapped at her, "Whoops, I mean no."

An evil smile spread across Zoe's face, "So," She said to me as we walked to computer hacking class, "Do you miss Ben?"

I gasped. "You wishing Mike was in our class?" was what my comeback was.

To my surprise Zoe actually whispered to me, "Yes, and can you do me a favor?" she asked.

"What is it?" I asked with surprise.

"Can you um," She said, turning red in the cheeks, "Can you ask Mike if he likes me after school?"

"You mean just go right up to him and ask if he likes you?" I asked, still clueless about this relationship thing.

"NO!" Zoe cried.

"Don't tell him?" I asked.

"Don't tell him that I like him right awa-" She said as Mike walked in on us.

"Zoe," He asked, "You like me?"

Zoe turned more red than lava. "Y-e-ee-s?"

After that, it was pretty straight forward, we took all our classes, did all our homework, and went back to out dorms to do whatever.  The only thing different this time was that Mike and Zoe were hanging out in Zoe's room to cuddle or whatever.  Guess they're a couple now.  I just wanted nothing more but to go to sleep.  So I climbed into bed, pulled on the covers, and found myself staring at someone in an icy blue HYDRA suit.

Heeey guuuuuys.  Hope you enjoyed this chapter of my 2nd boooook!   Man, this chapter was harder.  I worked on it for about 2 hours.  2 HOURS! CAN YOU BELEIVE IT!  So, ya.  I woke up at 6:30 in the morning to do this.  Anyways, the next chapter will be posted soon! BAIII!

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