1 ~ Demons and Doorknobs

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You had everything. Anyone who came to your house would marvel, anyone who saw your possessions turned green with envy. All of the money in the world, anything you could ever want, and here you were. Miserable.

You had heard people say money doesn't buy happiness. But the same people begged for more, because it made life easier. It did. Maybe it couldn't buy happiness, but a flowing river of galleons kept you out of poverty and hunger. You lived luxuriously; you wished you didn't.

Without wealth your aunt wouldn't throw parties as often as she did. Pure-bloods came from near and far to celebrate themselves and their status at your chateau. Jasmine gave them tours of the endless panelled navy halls and bronze mirrors as you hid away in your bedroom, pretending they didn't exist.

You stayed there almost always. Aunt Jasmine didn't dare come near your room, and her daughter Selena Jones stayed just as far. Despite the gargantuan building with twenty three bedrooms, you had no choice which one you received. You were shoved into the back end of the east wing, and that was exactly where you wanted to be.

The east wing had the libraries and the kitchens where the house elves worked were only accessible by a staircase hidden behind a cupboard. Jasmine would never allow them to come out unless it was for work, and with that they had to clean at night when nobody was around.

You wanted nothing to do with the rest of it. The hall where the parties were centered was in the west wing, as were your aunt and cousin's rooms. And the living rooms, and the parlors, the dining room, the music room, anywhere that most people would linger.

Today was the day your solitude would be ruined. Your birthday had come and gone, and with it the mailing of the letters during the summer break.

The owls came at breakfast. The table was laid with croissants and butter, eggs and bacon, all of which the scraps would go to the elves as their rations. You were seated mid-table with Jasmine at the head and Selena facing her.

"Well?" Jasmine said, dabbing her lips. "Are you going to get it or not?"

You stopped picking at your eggs. Get it?

Jasmine was staring you down. Her short, straight brown hair was flawlessly combed and shining with Sleekeazy's hair potion. Her black eyes were boring into you as her painted lips curled into a honey sweet smile.

"Get what?" You asked, setting down your fork. You glanced towards Selena, who had paused in her meal to look inquisitively to her mother. She looked away from you indignantly.

"The mail, girl," Jasmine said, her smile wavering. "Aren't you going to bring it to the table?"

"The elves are-"

"I ordered them not to bring it today." She batted her eyes dangerously. "Won't you?"

You should have expected this. Pushing the chair harshly away from the table, as you knew she would make some remark about her precious polished floors, you stood abruptly from breakfast.

Jasmine made no comment as you left through the doors, which only made you more anxious. She never slipped on a chance to ridicule you.

Slouching through the halls, you smiled at the few house elves who dared to clean during mealtime. One girl was hurrying away with a load of laundry, tripping in shock as you said hello. She tumbled to the ground, buried in blankets that could never pass for clothes - Jasmine made 'real' people do the clothes so there was no risk of accidentally freeing her elves, who were individuals the moment they were given something as silly as a sock.


"No, mistress!" Squeaked the girl, her big brown eyes filling with globs of tears. "Wanda is sorry, mistress, she didn't mean to!"

"It's okay-"

It was no use. The girl had scurried away with her mass of blankets in tow. Not even the house elves would talk to you, only because of the fear planted in them by your family.

You went back to walking, taking automatic turns that were implanted in your mind like a maze. You had lived in this chateau since Jasmine had paid to have it built after her husband, Uncle Phobus, had died when you were three. He went the same way your parents did, as an auror after dark wizards.

Jasmine didn't love him. You knew that when she forced you to leave your family home in a tiny village in the hills of England, now secluded in a dense forest in the south of Britain where prying muggle eyes wouldn't see you. Only wizards knew how to get here, just like Jasmine liked it.

You turned the last corner, passing the largest mirror in the house, which was saying something. In boredom you had once counted, there were twenty nine in the east wing alone. All bronze plated, of course. Blue and bronze, blue and bronze.

You didn't even look like them. Jasmine was fake, covered in layers of makeup. The only thing real about her was her ego. Selena was gorgeous, with the umber skin of her mother and notorious tight curls that she took the best care of. Here you were, (h/c) mane and deep (e/c) eyes that had seen restless nights of reading.

You walked away from yourself, into the main foyer where all the owls had left through the open window above the double doors save for one.

"Hey, Ruby." You said, walking over to your owl. She was an adorable tawny with eyes that held the secrets of the world you so badly wanted to see. "How was your flight?"

She cooed. Nuzzling against your hand, she pressed a red sealed envelope against your palm. Backing away, she gave you a sympathetic look before fluttering off outside to her friends in your small owlery out back.

Ruby knew you had been dreading this day. Along with the rest of the letters on the round table, you scooped up your acceptance letter into your grasp and walked slowly back to the dining room.

Maybe you could just burn it. Never open it and pretend it hadn't happened. That you were a squib, which would be worse than the half-blood life Jasmine already hid from the world. Maybe you were like the grandparents you never knew, and you could run off to London and live among the crowded streets and science that they had come to understand. Ignorant bliss.

"Open it," Jasmine commanded the second you reached the table. You tossed the mail haphazardly onto the table, gently taking the letter again. "Read it to me."

You tore it open angrily. The parchment unravelled into a delicate handwriting, curved with the grace of a scholar.

The Hogwarts school crest was printed above the writing with the school motto, Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus. You rushed through the letter bitterly.

"Dear Miss (Y/n) (L/n)," you said, scanning it, "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students will be required to report to the Chamber of Reception upon arrival. Please find an inclosed list of all necessary books and equipment . Term begins on September first. We await your letter no later than July thirty-first."

You threw the paper to your lap, glaring at Jasmine. She waited patiently, gesturing calmly to the paper. You sucked in a long breath, bringing it back to your eyes.

"Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall."

Jasmine clasped her hands together. Her claw like nails tapped against each other, letting an irritating ring loose through the silent room.

"Excellent!" She upheld the grin, looking to you with emotionless eyes. "Now you'll be out of my hair. I'm sending you to Diagon Alley tomorrow for your things."

"What about me, Mother?" Called Selena's gentle voice from the end of the room. "I need new things for fourth year!"

"I know, darling," said Jasmine. "Hush, now, you'll get your things. I'm going with you this weekend. I've already picked your outfit."

Selena frowned. "But, Mother, I was going to wear-"

"Yes, yes, very well," Jasmine droned. "I'll see if it will do. Now, off with you," she pointed to you, then the door. "Go pester the woodland creatures or something."

"Gladly," you answered, storming off again, thinking:

Those woodland creatures are plenty more enjoyable company than you.

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