Chapter 3

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When they arrive at the club


When I arrived at the club I could barely hear Emily when she was talking to me, the barman came up to our booth and we all ordered our beverages. "So is this basically an attempt for me to forget Will cheated on me?" JJ asked the trio,

"JJ you can't spend your days moping about that asswhole so yes the reason we brought you here was so you could forget Will." Garcia responded and Morgan nodded and winked at Emily, and she rolled her eyes.

JJ was a bit tipsy but not drunk. Emily pulled JJ to the dancefloor while Garcia and Morgan cheered, Emily and JJ were dancing to the music when.

"Hey Jennifer, Look i made a mistake" Will admitted, JJ turned around to see Will standing there awkwardly Emily noticed that JJ's postered changed and looked over to where JJ was staring and saw Will

3rd POV

"Will, what are you doing here?" JJ asked, "I came here to ask you if you would take me back?" Will questioned. It angered Emily that after what Will did that he has the guts to ask that question.

"No Will I'm not taking you back, I'm with Emily." JJ Lied,

"You'd rather have that dyke then me?" Will shouted. JJ was so angered at what Will said about Emily that she completely went off, "WILL YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING YOU CHEATED ON ME" JJ scoffed, "prove it kiss her" Will inquired.

Without second thought JJ grabbed Emily by her collar and gently placed her lips on Emily's shuddering at the feeling of JJ's lips on hers. Will walked away pissed. Emily was surprised when she felt the blondes lips on hers. Meanwhile Garcia and Morgan spot Will walking out of the club and move their eyes seeing the two kissing but they both pull away when they realize Will is gone.

"Guess that's one way to get them to get them to kiss each other." Morgan shrugged.

When JJ and Emily pulled away JJ quickly said "it was the only thing that was going to get rid of Will." The brunette swallowed thickly and nodded. "Uhm I uh, I have to go to the bathroom real quick" Emily stuttered and walked towards the bathroom. JJ just nodded and walked back to the booth her friends were at and sighed when she returned. "So what was that about?" Garcia asked impatiently. "Uh Will wouldn't leave me alone so I just thought that would work better than anything else." JJ said Embarrassed,

Emily walked into the bathroom and immediately went over to the sink to wash her face, "thank god for waterproof makeup" Emily thought to herself, When Emily got her Sh*t together she walked back over to the booth her friends were sitting at and saw them laughing and talking.

"Hey look there's Prentiss." Morgan chuckled. "Where'd you go princess?" Garcia asked, "Um I just went to the bathroom that's all." Emily replied.

Morgan smirked at Emily and Emily hit his shoulder,

At Emily's Apartment

After what happened at the club, it was silent the drive back to Emily's house. JJ couldn't stop thinking about the kiss she shared with Emily, "it was just to get Will to go away," JJ tried to convince herself, She thought that maybe after a good night's sleep she'll forget about the kiss. Boy was she wrong, Even in the morning when JJ greeted Emily, JJ couldn't stop thinking about Emily and the things she'd let her do to her. JJ has always known shes Bisexual but never really told anyone besides Garcia.

Emily Knew she needed to try to ignore her feelings for the blonde because there's no chance that JJ would want her because JJ's straight right?

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