Chapter 12

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A few weeks after JJ found out she was pregnant they went to the doctor to check its health, "alright baby momma lets check the health of your baby, your girlfriend already explained to me the situation so i do understand and support you fully." said a redhead doctor (that's a woman). Emily held JJ's hand and traced circles on the back of JJ's hand.

"Alright the gel is going to be a bit cold so don't freak out" the doctor warned. The doctor put the gel on JJ's stomach and did the ultrasound. JJ started tearing up at the baby's heartbeat, as soon as JJ heard the heartbeat JJ couldn't get rid of the baby. She couldn't let the baby suffer just because she hated the father plus she had Emily to get her through this time.

After the doctor left the room JJ turned to Emily and said "I'm gonna keep it I- I can't not keep it Em, as much as I hate Will I can't get rid of it." Emily smiled at JJ and quickly kissed JJ on the lips, "I'm perfectly ok with that, i've always wanted kids with you" JJ blushed at the statement and replied "you did?" Emily just smiled at her and walked her out to their car after the appointment.


When they arrived home Emily arranged a meeting with the rest of the team for dinner at Rossi's.


It was around the time that they were supposed to meet the team and they both got ready, when they arrived at Rossi's Emily saw that JJ was nervous. "Hey babe it's going to be alright i will always be by your side." JJ smiled her best smile and got out of their car and walked with Emily to the door and pushed it open and trailed behind Emily inside.

After catching up with the team a bit Emily announced "Ok so the reason me and JJ wanted you guys here is to talk about something." JJ shifted uncomfortably next to Emily, she must have noticed because she squeezed JJ's hand in hope to reassure JJ. "well what is it?" Reid asked after a while, Emily looked at JJ and she nodded smiling at her silently saying it was ok, "Well as you know what Will did," Emily pauses taking a deep breath to calm down and this time JJ squeezed her hand to calm her down, "JJ found out a few weeks ago that she's uh... she's pregnant." Everybody just looked at Emily like they saw a ghost and Garcia was the first one to recover, "what are you going to do jayje?" Garcia asked, JJ forced a smile and said "I'm keeping it... i don't want to get rid of it just because i hate the father," Garcia pulled her into a bone crushing hug which made JJ let out an OOf,

Soon after JJ said her decision everybody on the team supported her decision. Emily smiled at how accepting and supportive her friends were being and that made her wish she had people to comfort her when she was 15 and had to get an abortion and her smile faded and she got a little bit sad, JJ must've noticed Emily's mood change and brought her aside to talk to her. "Hey babe whats wrong? Your mood changed," Emily looked up at her beautiful girlfriend with tears in her eyes and started crying. JJ pulled Emily into her embrace confused as to why Emily was upset but respected her boundaries, if Emily didn't want to tell her what was bothering her so JJ just held Emily while she cried and waited til she calmed down to ask her why she was upset. "Uhm I'm sorry JJ
I.. I don't know what got into me its just the team is so supporting and it reminds me of how I didn't really have anyone to comfort me when i made the choice to have an abortion at 15," Emily explained, JJ looked at her and said " no its not your fault, you shouldve never had to go through something like that at a young age. and you know what you have me by your side and I will be the person to be there for you always just like you have been for me." Emily smiled and pulled JJ into a gentle kiss, JJ kissed Emily back as gentle but more passionately showing her with only one kiss how much she loved and cared for her.

JJ wiped Emily's tears with her free hand and heard Morgan yell "Hey! You two get a room," Emily and JJ pulled back laughing and went to go talk to the team more, both of them more happy and content with where they are right now in life. Despite the things they've both gone through their love has stayed and even grew, through those times, their love is so strong nothing can keep them apart.

A/N ; Hey guys sorry for taking so long to update but i hope you love the chapter and i wish you guys the best!

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