1. The loss of a loved one

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Third-person POV

Zeus could be a professional volleyball player.

He smacked the Argo II with such force that the seven went from Athens to Long Island in less than a minute. Spiking a ball like that would definitely be a game-winner.

The ship that the seven had called home for months was falling apart. The ballistae and catapults peeled free from the deck. The bronze shields flew off like giant metal frisbees. All in all, it was not a great time for the demigods. Nor their internal organs.

The hatch flew open to reveal a groggy Frank and Hazel stumbling out. After them, Piper crawled out with Annabeth and Percy. Jason was using his powers over the winds to keep him from flying off to gods knows where.

Percy held on to Annabeth and the guide rope to keep her and himself from flying off to oblivion. All they had to do was hope that the rope was tied securely enough so nobody would be flying straight into the underworld.

'Go!' Percy heard Leo yell over the winds 'Go, go, go!'

It took all of Percy's strength to turn his head to see Leo strapped on at the control panel, without using a bungee rope this time. He was busy trying to keep the Argo II as steady as possible.

'LET'S GO! MOVE IT! CUT THAT OUT!' the holographic Coach Hedge bellowed at them above Buford the table. The talking table revealed its helicopter blades and let the winds take it away.

Percy looked back in front of him and saw that Hazel was climbing onto a dragon. Frank the Dragon quickly snatched up Percy and Annabeth with his front claws and soared away. From Frank's claws, Percy saw the ship quickly fly out of his range of vision. The last thing he saw was Jason using his son-of-Jupiter powers to fly away carrying Piper. Leo wasn't with them.

Percy watched in horror as the ship that he had been staying in for months, the ship where new memories were made in, fly across the sky. It could no longer be recognized as a ship, but can only be described as a flying ball of fire much like an asteroid. Percy did not know how Leo could survive that, fireproof or not.

Deciding that thinking about whether Leo lived or not was a bad idea in the middle of a war, Percy looked down to see the ground closing in fast. He saw cynocephali, the dog-headed men fighting against the demigods from both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. Among the sea of monsters, there were also wild centaurs, ogres, two-headed people and many more trying their best to kill his friends. The Athena Parthenos shined in all its glory next to Thalia's pine tree. Frank in his dragon form blew fire at a group of ogres that were in the frontline fighting against the forces of Camp Half-Blood before landing on top of them. Percy and Annabeth immediately drew their weapons and charged.

Annabeth and Percy fought side-by-side, the drakon bone sword and Riptide carving through the monsters like they were jelly. Frank and Hazel went off to rally the troops of Camp Jupiter. The duo fought their way to where the monsters had surrounded a few campers. Percy lept into the fray and decimated the enemy force before they could do more harm to his friends. He turned just in time to see a wild centaur about to skewer him. Before he could react, a spear sparkling with electricity pierced the chest of the centaur and it crumbled into the dust.

'About time, Prissy.'

Percy grinned and stood back-to-back with Clarisse, her electric spear keeping the monsters at a distance while Percy hacked and stabbed at anything that could come within the range of his blade. Just as they were about to be overrun, a wave of flaming arrows descended from the sky and killed the remaining monsters within thirty feet of him. Percy and Clarisse made short work of the remaining monsters when he saw all five cohorts from Camp Jupiter close ranks, killing anything in their way to get to their Greek siblings with Reyna on a new pegasus commanding them.

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