Like Pokemon Cards

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                                    1-A GC
Scarred: I've decided that since my own father is no where to be seen, I am simply going to get adopted
RockTheDwayne: I can tell you right now that's not how it works
Scarred: you know what's super manly?
Scarred: letting a guy live his dream
Slep: idk letting people delude themselves doesn't sound manly to me
RockTheDwayne: I am conflicted
Woke: and I am severely uncomfy with the energy in this chat room this fine morning
RockTheDwayne: it's dinner time???
I get lifted: hey guys!
Broke: both metaphorically and physically
I get lifted: omg,,,
I get lifted: Deku never does things without a catalyst
I get lifted: what brought this on??????
Scarred: I'm not naming names
Woke: $5 says it was mic
Scarred: but a certain male adult in my life patted my head and told me I did a good job today and that gave me a large serotonin boost and made my existence worth it
Broke has changed their name to SEROtonin
Woke: :(((((
SEROtonin: do I not make you happy or excited Kaminari
Scarred: excited,,,,, unholiness
I get lifted: wh
Slep: mic touches everyone what's the big deal
RockTheDwayne: I don't think it was mic
ET: the only other male adult izuku trusts enough to let get close is Aizawa-Sensei
RockTheDwayne: you mean peak-paternal-energy-sensei
ET: that's valid ig but
RockTheDwayne: how many people in this chat have some variation of dad as the name for his emergency contact
I get lifted:
RockTheDwayne: silence is very telling
ET: even Iida?
Mom: I am unashamed
The90s: ditto
ET: care to share??? Mine is Dad-Sensei
RockTheDwayne: mine is also Dad-Sensei but I added some really red emojis to caution myself from ever accidentally calling
The90s: I went for much of the same
Mom: mine is also quite similar
I get lifted: mine is mr dad which is basically the same :(
SEROtonin: damn y'all boring I have his number in as gremlin father
Slep: mood mine is hobo dad
Woke: I just have it as I'm not ur dad,,,
Slep: izuku is mighty silent
Slep: what is it
Scarred: ...
Scarred: it's eraserdad,,,,,, I have all might's as dad might I wanted them to match
Slep: sus
Katy: sus
Scarred: once I get mic's I'm doing yamadad
Scarred: I have decided to abandon my previous idea of being adopted by one (1) parental figure and instead collect them like Pokémon cards
Katy: I'll trade you my endeavour for your present mic
Scarred: no thanks x
HeGotHellaCake: dinner is ready everyone! We made casserole
Stop changing my fucking name: dinner is ready losers, last one here gets the burnt bit
Woke: two types of people
Scarred: omw

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