The Ultra Concerning Consequence of Plus Ultra

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Woke: hey Mido when are you going to finish writing the thing
Scarred: which thing
Woke: how many things are there
Scarred: 1...2....skip a few.... idk I can't count that high
Woke: mood but rude
Woke: I'm talking about the informative essay on about the merits of the plus ultra mentality
Scarred: sigh.... plus ultra
Scarred: the plus ultra mentality made me break all my fingers thrice over
Scarred: the plus ultra mentality makes us all think we have to go beyond even in the stupidest of ways
Scarred: it motivated me to want to golf the skull of a science skeleton off the school roof into the fountain inside of a busy mall, just because I thought it would help in an emotional crisis to do something that goes beyond
I get lifted: oh my god that was you???
Scarred: no
Woke: omg does aizawa not know
Scarred: he's aware of the fact that a skull was found to have been flung into the fountain at the mall but he isn't aware of how it happened
Scarred: the heroes think it's a murder case
Slep: is that not highly illegal???
Scarred: hence why I am writing the essay
Scarred: it's my defence
Slep: remind me to keep you away from coffee when you're having a bad day
Scarred: every day is a bad day when you're me
Scarred: anyway I'd like you guys to give me examples and signed testimony of when the plus ultra regime has ruined your day
Slep: regime????
Scarred: it is
Woke: I was trying to parkour like sero and I thought "wow that's a really tall fence" but thought hey plus ultra right
Woke: I tried to jump it and ended up getting stabbed in the stomach with a fence post and vomiting on Uraraka
Woke: I agree that it is evil
I get lifted: at the sports festival I was motivated in spite of the plus ultra mentality
I get lifted: but a few days ago I was making a card for my mothers birthday and was trying to decide what I wanted to put in it
I get lifted: I decided to go plus ultra and wrote the words 'I love you mom' in every language google translate has
I get lifted: it took me four solid hours of writing, a wrist cramp, and copious amounts of energy drinks to get through it and my sanity / heart rate still has yet to recover
Scarred: thank you for sharing, I'm sure it was very hard for you both to come out about how this has affected you
Slep: the plus ultra mentality is the reason I'm set to enter the hero course
Scarred: you're the exception not the rule, dearest Hitoshi
Slep: alright
SEROtonin: the plus ultra mentality spawned ik-Donald's which you claim is the greatsst day of your life
Woke: the plus ultra mentality probably spawned you
Woke: ur dad being like "ohhhh yeah one more babyyyyy plus ultra"
Scarred: please delete that message, then yourself, and never contact me nor speak of this again
Slep: what the fuck
The90s: I farted at a wedding
Woke: WHAT
ET: wha
Slep: the way im genuinely cackling
Scarred: I am elated
The90s: the plus ultra mentality encouraged it
Scarred: omg,,,,, how
The90s: I thought I could get away with it
The90s: it would be wuiet
The90s: it wouldn't be potent
The90s: in the silence of a crowd as the groom is staring loving at where is bride is about to appear, even the slightest toot is deafening
Woke: TOOT
The90s: I thought, plus ultra
The90s: I thought I should go beyond my capabilities and simply keep it silent and scentless
The90s: it was not
Scarred: will you sign a document to keep me out of jail stating that this scarred you?
The90s: alright
The90s: go to bed, all of you, please
I get lifted: we're all messes
I get lifted: the plus ultra mentality gave us the potato chip scene
Scarred: I don't wanna hear about that mentality anymore

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