Chapter twenty one

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It's been two weeks since I last saw Jungkook.

Again he's disappeared and hasn't been to school. I've even called the police to do a check on him just to be told he's okay so at least I know he's still alive. That was only last week and since then Jungkook has been flicking his lights on and off as if in Morse code.

I had to learn it but I caught on and he managed to tell me he was okay, his parents aren't letting him out the house because of what happened at the party and he hospitalised someone. They took his phone from him too but has managed to do his studies online so he's not behind but his dad supervises his screen time so he can make sure Jungkook isn't lacking or talking to anyone through skype or whatever.

So Jungkook flicks his lights on and off and I watch. I attempt to do it back since I'm still learning and he seem to think it's funny that sometimes I mess up.

I don't know why he wont let me see his face through his window though. All he has to do is open the curtains and job done but he keeps avoiding my question when I ask him about it.

I still miss him even if we have to communicate this way. I hate that this is the only way and it's difficult but I do it so I can communicate with him in some way. At least I have that.

Sitting at my window I cant help but stare at his window just hoping one day he'll just open them and smile at me with his bunny smile while waving like a kid.

But he doesn't.

I sighed with disappointment and looked away to my bed when I heard my phone start to ring. Glancing one more time at the window I sadly looked away and stood up to grab my phone in my hand and answer it without even checking who it was.


"Hey. Any sign of Jungkook yet?"

I shook my head, pinching at the bridge of my nose.

"No Taehyung. There's nothing, he hasn't communicated with me today yet."

I sat down on the end of my bed and laid down on my back. Since the party it seems Taehyung has grown some kind of respect for Jungkook and seems more fond of him without showing any acts of disgust. If anything Taehyung seems concerned bout Jungkook. I just wish Jungkook knew that, since the party and Taehyung has calmed down with the idea of Jungkook being my boyfriend, I really think they could be friends.

"Well the night is still young. You just got to hang in there." Taehyung

"I really hope so Tae. I'm worried about him."

"Nah, from what I've seen at the party, Jungkook can handle himself. I'm positive he'll be fine. Maybe he's napping?" Taehyung

I checked the time on my phone and frowned before pressing the phone back to my ear.

"I doubt it. Jungkook doesn't nap at 8.17 at night. Maybe in the afternoon but not at this time of night. It's not like him if he was napping."

"You never know Y/n. You just got to think positive about this. By the way Jimin was here earlier." Taehyung

"Oh yeah? He was here this morning too asking about Jungkook. What did he say to you?"

"Just that you're still worried about Jungkook. We all are and that's coming from me." Taehyung

He chuckled deeply over the phone as if he cant believe his words and I just giggled because it's true.

"That little shit gained my respect when I seen what he was willing to do for you so, yeah I'm worried about him too. What I really want to do is apologise to him for the way I kept treating him." Taehyung

I nodded and stood up from the bed.

"Well he's barely a little to you Taehyung, you're both the same height and he's muscly."

"Yeah okay, I know but he's still little shit to me so that's what I'll call him okay?" Taehyung

I let out a laugh and Taehyung also laughed on the other line. I turned around to face the window and sat down on the window sil just to look out the sky, the stars were shining tonight and I just wish Jungkook would see them too. If he can, I don't know.

"Taehyung I'm gonna go. I have some homework due for tomorrow. I've been lacking."

"Yeah sure. I'll see you at school." Taehyung

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

With a heavy sigh I threw my phone back over on my bed and slumped against the glass before gazing back to Jungkook's window in hopes to see him but nothing. His dark blue curtains still drawn shut and I just grew more disappointed.

I became bored sitting there and I know I need to do my homework but I was in no mood to do it. Stupid English paper, that in my opinion is useless.

Breathing hard on the window I created a hard fog on the glass and I started to draw a heart and inside the heard was my initials and that of my boyfriends.

Summer vacation is coming up soon and I really wanted to take Jungkook with me to my cousins cabin. I think he will like it, it's away from here and in the woods just by the lake. There's all sorts we can do there.

I looked down to the fence that splits mine and Jungkook's side gardens in half and to my surprise Jin was standing there on Jungkook's side of the fence with a alerted expression as if panicked.


I had no idea why he's here but when I see Jin, it's never good and always like a warning.

Hands pressed against the window, I watched Jin suddenly point upwards towards Jungkook's bedroom window with a look of terror on his face.

I followed to where he was pointing just to see Jungkook's curtains now drawn open and Jungkook pressed against it, trying to open the ledge and pulling on it in a hurry as if trying to escape it. I banged on my window and Jungkook paused, his head jolt up to meet my gaze.

The look on his face was scared, panicked but it's not that look that scared me the most it was the cuts on his lip and left brow. Not to mention the dark bruises on his cheek and on his left brow. It broke my heart to see him like that. No wonder he didn't want to open those curtains.

Suddenly our gaze was broken when Jungkook suddenly turned his head around to whatever was behind him and that's when I saw his dad charging up from behind him and yanked him away from the window and pushed him away somewhere in the room.

I sprung into action.

Grabbing my phone off the bed, I started to call the police while running out my room and down the stairs, informing the police of the situation and Jungkook's address. They told me there were sending someone around there right now and once I hung up I ran into the kitchen to find my dad standing with my mom next to the sink.

They both turned around to me alarmed, concerned to see me panting heavily and showing my fear.

"Mom, Dad, Jungkook's getting beaten. I've already called the cops but we need to get him out, right now."

My Mom gasped, covering her mouth with her hands where as my dad just straightened up, taking in my state for a second more before he nods and charges passed me and out the front door. I followed him out but by the time we reached the path way out the garden, my dad turned to me in front of Jungkook's house, putting a hand out to stop me.

"Y/n stay here. I'll go and get him." Dad

I just nodded and watched my dad, stomp up towards Jungkook's foot path and onto the porch without even so much as knocking and kicked in the front door and barged into the house.

I just stood here, waiting with anticipation to find out what happens next, a hand over my beating heart in worry.

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