Chapter twenty-two

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With my suitcase in hand I managed to struggle to get it down the stairs but then wondered in the kitchen to find my mom standing there on her tippy toes looking out the kitchen window at something.

"Mom have you seen my phone charger?"

I asked her and she turned to face me, smiling wide and walked towards me picking up a backpack from the island to hand towards me.

"It's in this bag. You left it in the living room again after one of your movies nights." Mom

I nodded and took the bag just to swing over my shoulder but she grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me in for a hug and squeezed me tight.

"I can't believe you'll be away from me for two weeks." Mom

"Mom I'll only be at the cabin with Namjoon and Yoongi. It's not like I'm going raving."

Hugging her back my Mom laughed before she finally let me go to caress my cheek.

"I know that honey but with Yoongi you never know with that boy. It just makes me feel better that Namjoon will be there and your friends will be joining you later in the week." Mom

I just shrugged at her and grabbed my suitcase by the stairs as she followed me. I'm surprised she hasn't brought up the fact I'm going into senior year after the summer is finished with. It's amazed me with how fast this passed year has gone.

"Is Dad outside?"

"Yes he is. He has the keys to the car too." Mom

I nodded and headed out the house to find my Dad standing by the fence that separates us from the neighbours but more like the demons from hells lair.

"Hey dad! I've got my stuff!"

My dad turned around to face me with a smile on his face which now shows a pink scar over his left brow. He thinks it's pretty cool now but the memory of how it happened was not such a cool story.

"I'll take your things to the car." Dad

He told me reaching for my bags and took them from me but leaned into my eaar to whisper.

"You should talk to him. He's feeling guilty again." Dad

He gestured to the boy standing by the fence staring back at the place he once called his home and caused his so much pain. Now it's just a empty shell of a place and Jungkook now lives with us.

My dad walked off and my mom followed him to speak to him where as I wondered up to Jungkook from behind and hugged him tightly. Circling my arms around his waist to press the side of my face to his broad back. He's not as skinny as he use to be and has started to work out a lot.

"Jeez you scared me Y/n." Jungkook

He chuckled but held my hands between his on the front of his torso.

"Sorry but you looked like you needed a hug."

I smiled into his back just before he smoothly turned around in my arms to hug me back and give me a quick peck on the lips when I looked up at him.

Thank goodness his face has finally healed from all the bruising. Never again do I want that to happen to him for another time. I'll protect him no matter the cost.

"You should stop feeling guilty Jungkook. You're parents are in prison now where they belong and you're here with me where you belong."

I rubbed his back and he just squeezed me all the more and pressed his cheek to the top of my head.

"I know that but I cant help it. I don't want to be a burden." Jungkook

"You're not. What happened months ago will never happen to you again. You're part of our family now and you'll get to meet my cousins. You'll like them. Although I would be cautious of Yoongi though. He likes to be a bad influence when alcohol is involved."

I giggled into his chest but he just copied me by giggling too. He'll have so much fun on this two week away and there's no grown ups. We can pretty much do what we want there and that means we can share a room without my parents knowing about it but I'm sure they know that's what we plan to do.

As we stayed hugging on our spot I even glanced over to the house that's dark and holds too many secrets that have recently been revealed. I just cant' stand it that Jungkook had to deal with all that after all these years.


With my hand over my heart that was beating so fast I couldn't take my eyes off that house. I had to know what was happening. Not only did my dad just barge in there but Jungkook is in there and I'm scared about his condition.

Did his dad beat him again after chasing him out his room?

Hearing a loud crashing of glass shattering and a gun suddenly going off I squealed but yet ran to the house.

I heard Mrs Jeon screaming at the top of her lungs but before I could get up the foot path my dad came charging out the house carrying Jungkook off his right shoulder and willing him to rush off the porch.

Jungkook was half conscious and the left side of his face was swollen to the point I couldn't see his eye and there was blood coming out his nose.

I froze seeing him like that and yet I noticed my dad started to limp and groaned as he wouldnt put pressure on his right foot. There was even a gash bleeding from his eye brow that made me gasp and rush to help my dad assist Jungkook to our front lawn where my mom stood in waiting by the porch with a first aid kit.

We carefully placed Jungkook on the ground and my mom sat beside his head now that he passed out. She looked like she was on the verge of tears as she opened the first aid kit.

"Did you call the cops again?" Dad

He asked my mom breathing heavily but head turned to look down the straight.

"Yes they should be here any minute." Mom

She sniffed and took out a bottle of disinfectant and poured a little on a cotton pad. I looked up to my dads face and pointed out to his cut but he just swatted away my hand.

"But dad it's cut."

"No. I'm fine, it's just a scratch. The fucking asshole tried to shoot me." Dad

He growled between his teeth and shot a glare towards Jungkook's house. Just as he did an angry looking bull of a woman came charging off the porch next door and jumped our fence as she ran towards us screaming at the top of her lungs.


Rage that was embedded into my soul at that moment I pushed my dad back and ran to her, meeting her half way and kicked her right in the chest causing her to fall backwards to the floor. She hit her head off the concrete  but I was too driven by anger to stop there.

I kicked her in the leg but she didnt budge. I was ready to do it again but my dad dragged me away by the was it and pulled me back to sit down on a wooden chair in front of our living room window.

"I know she deserves that Y/n but we cant have you locked up for assault. We'll just tell the cops that she tripped and banged her head." Dad

I didn't respond and instead turned my attention to my mom attending to Jungkook's face. That's when I slid off the chair and came to help my mom.

Eventually the police came and so did the paramedics to check on Jungkook's condition. Just cuts and bruises but he suffered from a dislocated shoulder but other than that no internal injuries. My dad sorted out the police and told them what happened and both of Jungkook's parents were arrested.

My mom made it clear that Jungkook was going to stay with us for as long as he needs.

His home is my home now and always will be.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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