I know the feeling

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Sitting on her bed, Ann looked up to see her twin sister, Angela, entering her room. Angela closed the door behind her and walked to Ann's bed.

"Annie, I want to hang a picture in my room but I haven't got any nails. Can you help me look for some in the basement?" Angela said.

"Nails?" Ann questioned. "But you don't need other nails if you've got some."

"I have nails?" Angela asked, puzzled.

Ann replied placidly, "Yes, you have nails. You see Angie, you can use the nails on your fingers and toes."

"Very funny, Annie," Angela said as she laughed. "I'm serious."

"Oh!" Ann exclaimed. She continued, "You're serious? But I'm serious too."

Angela faked a smile, taking a pillow from Ann's bed. She hit Ann with the pillow, dropped it and ran for the door. Quickly, Ann took one of her pillows and threw it in Angela's direction. Luckily for Angela, she sped out of the room just in time, shutting the door. The pillow Ann had thrown, hit the door and fell on the floor.

Hours later, Ann knocked on Angela's door. "Come in," she heard Angela say and so, opened the door. She closed the door gently when she entered and saw a picture of a beautiful rose hanging on the wall near the poster of Westlife, Angela's favourite boy band.

"Angie, it's beautiful!" Ann exclaimed.

"I know. No thanks to you! I couldn't find the nails so I used mountain tape to stick it to the wall," Angela said, pretending to look angry as she brushed a strand of her black curly hair behind her ear.

"Oh, Angie! I am so sorry," Ann said. Angela did not budge so Ann added, "I'll do anything to make it up to you."

"Anything?" Angela's lips curved into a wicked smile with a sinister expression. Ann knew what was coming. If there was one thing Angela really hated doing, it was definitely Math homework. As a result, Ann was very certain Angela would make her do her Math homework in exchange for forgiveness. Nevertheless, she nodded.

"Do my Math homework and I'll forgive and forget," Angela said. "Deal?"


So Ann did Angela's Math homework that evening before dinner. After dinner, while Angela was doing the dishes, she sang Westlife's Angel's wings in her beautiful voice. Ann listened to her. Angela had sung that song countless times. Had it not been for her amazing voice, Ann would have been bored to death with the song.

When Angela ended the song, Ann asked, "Angie, why do you still like Westlife despite the fact that they are totally bygone? Nobody listens to their songs anymore. They're not even a group anymore."

"I don't care! I like their songs and I always will. They touch my core. I don't care that people only care about bands like BTS."

"Okay, alright! I get you Miss Lover-of-Westlife-forever."

Angela smiled.

Ann and Angela sat on the swings in the park. They were not swinging. They had both just finished their ice creams. Kids ran up and down in the park. Some kids also played tennis on the tennis court and soccer at the center of the park.

"Annie, there's a worm on your shoulder!" Angela screamed.

Ann suddenly became numb. "Where?"

"There!" Angela pointed to Ann's right shoulder.

"Get it away from me!" Ann shrieked.


"I don't know. Get a stick or something. Just get it away from me!"

Angela burst into laughter. "Kidding," she managed to say.

Ann sighed. "Angie!" she said, frowning. "That wasn't funny you know."

"You think?" Angela said between laughs. "You should have seen your face." Then Ann punched Angela.



Just then, Angela and Ann heard someone say, "Oh, it's the twins." Libby and Chloe appeared form nowhere. They were the last people the twins wanted to see. They were rude and cocky bestfriends. They were in the same school and even in the same grade as the twins.

Red-haired Libby had won the school's annual Music Competition twice. Blonde Chloe had also won the school's annual Belle Fashion Challenge two times.

Chloe told Ann, "Your hair clip has changed position."

"Oh, thanks," Ann said as she touched her hair clip.

Chloe said, "Duh! I'm not offering help. I just want you to know how clumsy you are."

"My sister is not clumsy," Angela snapped, fuming.

Libby scoffed, "Temper Angela! Cool it down. I didn't know you could be this wild. Even dogs aren't this wild."

Ann got up to from the swing to push Libby to the ground. Just then, Angela also got off the swing and grabbed Ann's arm. "Save the trouble of wasting your energy on someone who isn't worth it," Angela said to her sister. Then the twins started away. After few steps, they heard Chloe and Libby shout together with derision, "Cowards!"


"When she's near, I feel like strangling her," Ann said to Angela who lay beside her on her bed. She was talking about Chloe.

"I know the feeling, Annie," Angela said. She was implying Libby.

"Isn't it wonderful that you decided to sleep here in my room tonight?"

"Yeah. Anyway, tomorrow is a school day and we have to get up early so let's sleep now." Angela adjusted the blanket she was sharing with Ann. "Good night, Annie."

"Good night."

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